Building a Simple, Secure Website in AWS with a GoDaddy Domain Name

Jonathan Stock
Coding in the Cloud
1 min readJun 14, 2020


This 3-part tutorial will show readers how to build a basic, static website on AWS using a domain name from a third party (GoDaddy), and how to enable a Content Delivery Network with HTTPS (security) features.

This article is designed for those who lack basic web development and networking experience. In addition to including instructions for GoDaddy, It explains key concepts along the way and provides screenshots that are not available in the AWS tutorials. When you follow this tutorial, you’ll not only have a functioning website, but you’ll build your understanding of the key concepts that power webpages, cloud services, and the Internet.


  • An account with GoDaddy
  • An account with AWS
  • A text editor

Articles in this series

Setting up Your Webpage in AWS S3

Configuring DNS with GoDaddy and Route 53

Configuring CloudFront for Secure (HTTPS) Delivery

