Behavior Driven Development (BDD) & Software Testing in Agile Environments

Thilina Ashen Gamage
Agile Vision
Published in
7 min readJul 2, 2017


Agile environments effectively bridge the communication gaps between product and engineering. BDD is the best thing happened to Agile QA ;-)

Myths on Testing

At the university, I learned the fundamental concepts of Software Testing, but could not realize the bigger picture of this whole process. So I used to consider testing as a time-consuming process with so many theoretical jargon. But when I grow in my career and start working for the software industry in full time, I realized the true need for mechanisms to ensure the quality of software pieces we write. Let me share my findings with you.

Software Testing (Definition)

Software testing is a collection of processes aimed at investigating, evaluating and ascertaining the completeness and quality of a software product. This process ensures the compliance of a software product in relation with regulatory, business, technical, functional and user requirements through validation and verification.

Validation — Are we building the right product

Verification — Are we building the product right

V & V confidence — establishing confidence that the product is fit for…



Thilina Ashen Gamage
Agile Vision

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