How to Use the Vuetify Bottom Sheet Component

A comprehensive guide on using the Vuetify bottom sheet component to create bottom sheets that display supplementary information and actions

Tari Ibaba
Coding Beauty Tutorials
5 min readMay 9, 2022


A bottom sheet is a customized v-dialog that is anchored to the bottom of the screen, like a v-bottom-navigation. They are primarily used on mobile and can contain supplementary information and actions. In this article, we’re going to learn how to easily create and customize bottom sheets with the Vuetify bottom sheet component.

The Vuetify Bottom Sheet Component (v-bottom-sheet)

Vuetify provides the v-bottom-sheet component for creating a bottom sheet. Like v-dialog, this component comes with an activator slot that we can use to set a button that will open the sheet when clicked.

Hide Overlay

v-bottom-sheet comes with a hide-overlay prop that will remove the overlay when set to true.

Vuetify Bottom Sheet v-model

We can set up a two-way binding between the value of the v-bottom-sheet and a variable. We can then use this variable to open/close the sheet or to display certain content conditionally.

Beautify with Vuetify

The complete guide to creating elegant web apps with the Vuetify Material Design framework.

Persistent Bottom Sheets

By default, an open bottom sheet closes when another element is clicked:

We can prevent this by setting the persistent prop to true on the v-bottom-sheet:

Vuetify Bottom Sheet Inset

The inset prop reduces the maximum width of the v-bottom-sheet to 70% on larger screens. We can also use the width prop to reduce the width manually.

Creating an “Open In” Component

We can combine a functional list and bottom sheet to create an “open in” component.


Bottom sheets are anchored to the bottom of the screen and can be used to display supplementary content. Vuetify provides the Vuetify bottom sheet component (v-bottom-sheet) for creating and customizing them.

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