An Accidental Leader, Adrienne Galloway

Laura Nwogu
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2024

At Coding Black Females, mentorships are part of what we offer to anyone who wants to be a part of our community. Mentorship is a crucial element in personal and professional development that often goes overlooked. In today’s blog post, we’ll explore the transformative impact of mentorship and why it is essential for success through the experience of one of our mentors, Adrienne Galloway, from our recent 12-week mentorship.

This is a picture of Adrienne Galloway

Above is a picture of Adrienne Galloway.

Sarah Olaifa: Thank you for joining us today. Let’s start by getting to know you a bit. Can you introduce yourself and discuss your current tech industry role?

Adrienne Galloway: Sure! I’m a career switcher who transitioned from a background in PR to software development about a year and a half ago. I went through a coding boot camp called Makers BootCamp, where I received a scholarship from Coding Black Females. Currently, I work with Engineer Better, a consultancy focused on cloud-native transformation for companies, mainly in the financial sector. My role primarily involves DevOps work with cloud technologies like Kubernetes, GCP, and AWS.

Sarah Olaifa: That sounds like an exciting transition! Now, let’s talk about your recent involvement in a mentorship program. Why did you apply for the mentorship, and how has your experience been so far?

Adrienne Galloway: I applied for the mentorship program to give back and share my journey into tech with others who are just starting. Having recently transitioned myself, I felt I could offer valuable insights and guidance to those looking to break into the industry. The experience has been fantastic. I’ve had the opportunity to mentor three mentees with varying backgrounds and goals, which has allowed me to develop my leadership skills and confidence in sharing my knowledge.

Sarah Olaifa: Managing three mentees must be challenging yet rewarding. Can you tell us more about your mentees and the dynamics of the mentorship group?

Adrienne Galloway: Absolutely. Each mentee has unique abilities and aspirations within the tech industry. For example, one of my mentees, Rebecca, had prior experience with various technologies and was looking to advance her career further. Another mentee, Leticia, was relatively new to the field but shared similar career goals with Rebecca. My third mentee, Jessica, was interested in exploring different career paths within tech beyond software engineering. Balancing their needs and tailoring each individual’s mentorship experience has been challenging and fulfilling.

Sarah Olaifa: It’s impressive to see how you’ve adapted to each mentee’s needs. Have you encountered any challenges or limitations during the mentorship program?

Adrienne Galloway: One challenge has been time constraints. With only an hour-long session each week, it can sometimes feel rushed to cover everything we want to discuss or work on. Additionally, finding a balance between structured mentorship sessions and providing support outside of scheduled meetings has been something I’m continually refining.

Sarah Olaifa: Despite the challenges, it sounds like you’re making meaningful progress with your mentees. What were your key takeaways or learnings from this mentorship experience?

Adrienne Galloway: The mentorship has reinforced the importance of teamwork, communication, and leadership. Collaborating with my mentees on a project has allowed me to sharpen my organisational skills and build confidence in my ability to guide others. Furthermore, the experience has highlighted the value of sharing knowledge and supporting others in their career journeys.

Sarah Olaifa: It’s evident that mentorship has significantly impacted both you and your mentees. Looking ahead, do you see yourself continuing to mentor others in the future?

Adrienne Galloway: Absolutely. The mentorship experience has been enriching, and I’m eager to continue supporting others in their professional growth. Building lasting connections and seeing the impact of mentorship firsthand has inspired me to stay involved in mentorship programs moving forward.

Sarah Olaifa: That’s wonderful to hear. Before we wrap up, is there anything else you’d like to share about your mentorship journey or any final thoughts?

Adrienne Galloway: I would encourage anyone considering mentorship to take the leap and get involved. Even if you’re unsure of your abilities or what you have to offer, mentorship is a two-way street where both mentors and mentees can learn and grow together. It’s been a transformative experience for me, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the tech community in this way.

Sarah Olaifa: Thank you so much for sharing your insights and experiences with us. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you, and we look forward to seeing the continued impact of your mentorship journey.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of mentorship is the opportunity to pay it forward. As mentees grow and develop, they may become mentors themselves, creating a cycle of knowledge and experience sharing that contributes to the success of future generations. But mentees are not the only ones who gain from their experience, mentors too inevitably grow. Mentors grow in their leadership, they affirm and consolidate their knowledge as they pass their knowledge on, they increase their confidence and they also learn many valuable lessons from their mentees.

In conclusion, mentorship is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. Whether you are a few months in or are looking to take your career to the next level, consider the profound impact that being a mentor will have on your own journey in tech.

If you would like to become a mentor, look out for any upcoming mentorships we post on our website.

