Win the Race | Exploiting Race Condition Vulnerability

Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2025

Intro : Hello Hacker’s 👋 what’s up. Hope you are all fine and Happy New Year everyone. Today I will discuss about new trending Vulnerability that is Race Condition and also learn how to exploit it. So let’s jump into it.

What is Race Condition :

Race conditions are a common type of vulnerability which mostly caused Business Logic Bypass. It occurs when websites process requests concurrently without any safe mechanism. Collision occurs in this case and cause causes unintended behavior in Applications. The period of time during which a collision is possible is known as the “Race Window”.

Why it Occurs :

The most well-known type of race condition enables you to exceed some kind of limit imposed by the business logic of the application.

Like : if some resource is already allocated to a User then that user cannot use that Resource again. Eg: Coupon Code (one time usable)

Here you can see after using 1 code it denied that user to use that same Code for Discount or something else. But what happen if a user who has never applied this discount code before and he tried to apply it twice at almost exactly the same time within the Race Window.

The Application will get confuse and behave same for those 2 Coupons without restrict user to use 1 Coupon. [Both are Valid]. means Race Condition.

Practical Example :

Here I will demonstrate this Vulnerability with my Home made lab. Here you can see a Project Builder Website.

In the Pricing section you can see free users only make 1 Project per Account.

So here we can try this Vulnerability to bypass restriction to create more than 1 Project. So I logged in as an User.

Here is the Dashboard page where we can create Project.

Now here I try to create 1 Project 1st.

After creating a Project it shows us a message that I can create only 1 project as a Free User and if I want to make another then I need to delete the present one. If you try to create a new project without deleting it, it will fail.

Here we we will create more than 1 Project at almost exactly the same time abusing the Logic Flaw. So I delete the present project and capture the Project creation request in BurpSuite Repeater.

Now send this Request 4 times in Repeater. (Tip : ctrl+r 4 times)

Now we will make a Group Request so that we can send all request in a Group at a same time.

Then add all tabs in that Group. And name it to anything.

Lastly set the Send Group Request type to Send Group in parallel means it will send the Request in parallel way.

After sending the request refresh the dashboard Page and you will see Magic. More than 1 Project has been created.

So it is a easy way to bypass Business Plan Restriction that can damage Organization Financially.

Try my Project on :

So that’s it for today. Hope you have learnt something new.


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Happy Hacking~




Published in CodingNinja

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Written by #$ubh@nk@r

CyberSecurity Learner, CTF Player, Noob Bug Hunter

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