5G to be a major gamechanger for Edu-tech platforms

Coding Ninjas
CodingNinjas Blog
Published in
4 min readMar 19, 2020

In the constantly evolving tech world, a lot of ‘next big things’ are awaiting to be uncovered. 5G, however, is a medium that will make every other next big thing possible. Making the delivery of education easier and accessible to more people, 5G is expected to bring the world closer together.

5G is the future

The new speed features better coverage area, the high data rate at the edge of the cell, low battery consumption, multiple data transfer rate and many other characteristics. 5G is the answer to our technical dreams, making possible billions of new, secure and instantaneous connections. It will leave no industry untouched — autos, healthcare, manufacturing and distribution, emergency service providers, just to name a few. Let us get a rough idea about how 5G will completely transform the way we live.

A massive change in the Internet of Things (IoT) world

IoT points to all the machines and devices connected through the internet. The growth of IoT is likely imminent as 5G comes online. As per a DBS Group Research, around 125 billion devices will be linked by 2030, up from 11 billion last year.

Reforming the automotive industry

Air travel has become growingly common in India a common man. However, it is still at a nascent stage in tier II & tier III cities due to lack of internet facilities, poverty and many other socio-economic reasons. Similarly, people are so obsessed with autonomous vehicles and keep talking about self-driving cars. Perhaps, 5G is the tool that will finally push them out (safely) into the world. How? As 5G is the only tech so far that is fast enough to allow machines to mimic human reflexes, if we take into cognisance the robot technology.

5G- the superhighway for the education sector

In the constantly evolving tech world, a lot of ‘next big things’ are awaiting to be uncovered. 5G, however, is a medium that will make every other next big thing possible. We can call it a superhighway that will make 4G seem like a little backcountry road.

Making the delivery of education easier and accessible to more people, 5G is expected to bring the world closer together. People can collaborate and work on projects faster than ever, and massive open online courses or MOOCs are going to become all the rage when 5G truly rolls around. All of this, a consequence of the increased connectivity and speed that 5G affords us.

5G is going to take digital transformation to new heights. It will be super exciting to see how things change with the implementation of 5G around the world.

Smart cities with smart infrastructure

Smart cities of the future are a concept which revolves around all things ‘smart’ and these are very big on IoT concepts. A town where each device is connected to each other, on the go, 24×7, comes close to what we call a smart city. The emergence of smart buildings will result in efficient business management by regulating energy consumption. Not only this, devices such as smart billboards will enable businesses to target consumers more directly. Well, there is more in store for us! The smart cities’ data will help the governing authorities to analyse the usage of resources. They can regulate the way traffic and commuters move around the area. The 5G-based smart cities will offer a range of opportunities for forward-thinking businesses.

Transforming the healthcare sector

The advent of 5G will surely bring with it, a renewed vigour for transformation in the healthcare sector. With the rapid advancements in data transmission, artificial intelligence and robotics, we will see a change in the quality of care and the way it is delivered. Since it will enable faster and almost continuous connections between devices, mobile healthcare units which are self-operating will be seen in the near future. With 5G, people will be able to get emote robotics-assisted operations, and even partially automated surgeries. The elderly people and the under-served communities should be able to benefit from this tech.

People will get immersive entertainment

The new-age technology will be extremely important to meet the growing demand for mobile video. With the unparalleled data capacity, speed and low latency, people will receive a new form of immersive entertainment. The technologies such as Visual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are enhancing the fan experience in sports and other live events. VR is also helping in recreating the live experience for those at home and on mobile devices.

5G- the superhighway for the education sector

In the constantly evolving tech world, a lot of ‘next big things’ are awaiting to be uncovered. 5G, however, is a medium that will make every other next big thing possible. We can call it a superhighway that will make 4G seem like a little backcountry road.

Making the delivery of education easier and accessible to more people, 5G is expected to bring the world closer together. People can collaborate and work on projects faster than ever, and massive open online courses or MOOCs are going to become all the rage when 5G truly rolls around. All of this, a consequence of the increased connectivity and speed that 5G affords us.

5G is going to take digital transformation to new heights. It will be super exciting to see how things change with the implementation of 5G around the world.

