
You’ve joined our community. Here’s what to expect from us…

Adam + Cuppy
2 min readNov 21, 2018


Process tips

We’re a people-centric process-focused company. While we have plenty to say on a technical level, what we believe moved the needle are the habits, practices, and processes that create certainty and confidence.

We’ll keep it focused and free from ads and irrelevant junk.

Interesting articles, videos, and podcasts

For more than a year, we published a weekly email curated by our engineering team. Each email contained around a dozen links to tidbits we found interesting.

An example might include advancements in augmented reality, thoughts on hiring junior developers, or YouTube video interviews of prominent thought leaders around the world.

Podcast episode announcements

We produce a seasonal podcast with episodes less than 30 minutes. Our guests include significant contributors to key software frameworks, companies with an interesting approach to solving problems, and leaders in team dynamics and development.

We keep it sponsor-free and full of good conversation. If you’re interested, here are links to subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, PlayerFM, Castbox (or just about anywhere you find your favorite podcasts.)

Respect of your time

Not everything we’ll send out will resonate with you. Even within our team, we don’t all see value in the same things. We commit to keeping our communication to you focused and value-driven. That means everything we send it carefully curated by our team, with the intention to bring value to your life.

We don’t want to be noise for your eyes or ears, so if you don’t feel there’s value in what you’re receiving, we understand if you chose to unsubscribe.

Thank you!

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Adam + Cuppy

I’m not a best selling author, not a Fortune 500 CEO, not a Nobel Prize recipient, but I speak around the world on confidence in software development.