
Amazing Ways to Check Your Facebook Profile Viewers

Mustufa Ansari
Published in
5 min readMar 5, 2021


Facebook is a world-widely used platform that allows users to interact with their loved ones around the globe. Since the beginning of social media, Facebook is considered the most used online place where millions of people share their pictures and videos.

Mark Zuckerberg first discovered Facebook in California. The founder and his Harvard university fellows decided to develop an online networking platform where people can sign up for free.

However, with being such a big and vast online networking place, some serious issues are needed to be taken note of. As time is passing by, advancements in technology are putting people’s privacy at a considerable stake.

To make things less vulnerable, some secret strategic approaches are recommended to everyone using Facebook. One of the significant concerns concerning Facebook is who viewed your profile.

You must have tried several times to check who has viewed your Facebook profile. If you haven’t succeeded yet, the following are some of the ways through which you can quickly check who viewed your Facebook profile and when.

Is it Possible to Check Your Facebook Profile Viewers?

Before we find ways to check your Facebook profile viewership, the first step is to make sure Facebook allows users to check your Facebook profile viewers just like LinkedIn or other social networking apps.

According to Facebook:

“Facebook hasn’t launched any feature that lets users check their Facebook profile views.”

Nevertheless, the game doesn’t end here. There are still hundreds of websites and online apps among third-party applications that let people check their Facebook profile views.

But the problem is:

Some of these third-party applications are scams or fake sites pretending to help people. In reality, all these websites hack people’s data by taking their Facebook login details and passwords.

Are you still worried?

If you want to check who has viewed your Facebook profile, then the best idea is to stick to this article.

If you have an iPhone and want to sell it. Its necessary to erase its data first. Click here to show you HOW.

Easy Ways to Find Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile

Following are some of the authentic and easy ways to check your Facebook profile views quickly.

#1 Manual Way to Check Your Facebook Views

Before we jump into how we can check Facebook views through applications or third-party sites, let us check the manual way that can provide you with the list of Facebook Profile views.

However, before we start working on this method, make sure you are ready to jump into a lengthy process.

If yes, then sequentially follow the steps mentioned below.

  • The most real way is to start by visiting your Facebook profile.
  • As soon as the page loads, right-click on your Facebook profile’s page.
  • A dialog box will appear.
  • Check “View Page Source.”
  • Click on this option.
  • As an alternative, you can also use a shortcut key, i.e., CTRL+U.
  • Don’t panic to see a new tab with a bunch of different program codes.
  • After this, click CTRL+F. A search box will appear.
  • Paste “BUDDY_ID” in the search box. All of the profile IDs will be highlighted.
  • Copy the profile ID.
  • Paste it against facebook.com/ID.
  • The person who has recently viewed your profile will appear.

#2 Google Chrome Extension to See Profile Views

The next way to view your Facebook profile views is by using a built-in feature in Google Chrome. Google Chrome is a widely used internet browser that comes with a variety of features. These features are generally referred to as Chrome Extensions.

Google Chrome Extension is the easiest way to find out the names of people viewing your Facebook Profiles. To get started with this method, here are the following steps to be followed.

  1. Go to Google Chrome.
  2. Visit the Social Profile Extension Page.
  3. Search for “Facebook Profile View.”
  4. Select an extension.
  5. Click “Add to Chrome.”

After this, the extension shall be enabled in Google Chrome. Now, you can visit Facebook to view your profile viewers. This extension will show a bar mentioning the names of your most visited profile viewers.

As long as this extension remains enabled in Google Chrome, you can see all the IDs who see your Facebook profile.

#3 External App for iPhones

Are you an iPhone user and don’t own a laptop or computer? Don’t worry if you are still curious about your profile viewers. The simple task is to download a fantastic app that lets you view your profile viewers anytime.

iOS developers have made a new app called “Social Fans.” This app lets users view their Facebook profile ids by downloading an app from Apple Store. Due to several security issues, it was not allowed to use any app that claims to show your Facebook viewers. However, with the advancement in app development, users can now use “Social Fans” to directly access the names of the people who have secretly viewed their Facebook profiles.

The best part about this app is that it is entirely genuine and authentic for iPhone users. Any iPhone user can make use of this app without any stress of getting scammed.

#4 Third-Party Apps

The last but the least method of finding the answer to the question of “Who Viewed my profile?” uses third-party apps. There are numerous online apps available on the internet from where you can access your profile viewers’ IDs.

However, do not forget that any software or legal authority does not authorize these apps. These apps can cause data loss. In severe cases, these third-party applications can also lead to a scam.

The Final Verdict

The mentioned above are the most common and applied methods for checking who viewed your Facebook profile. Facebook, itself hasn’t introduced any feature that lets users check their profile visits. In the future, it is, however, expected by the Facebook team to add this feature to the application. Till then, don’t forget to try out the methods mentioned above.

Further Reading:

Originally published at https://www.goistik.com on March 5, 2021.



Mustufa Ansari

📱Android/iOS Developer 🖋️ I Write For Mobile Developers 🎓 Tech Enthusiast