Breaking Down Barriers: How Micro-learning is Bridging the Training Equity Gap for Frontline Workers

Hana Park
CoDo on Onboarding & Training
3 min readMay 9, 2023

Mobile learning is a popular and effective way of training frontline workers in many industries. However, there is a significant equity issue when it comes to training these workers, many of whom are in low-income or marginalized communities. Micro-learning, a method of delivering content in small, easily digestible chunks, can be an effective solution to this problem, helping to improve equity and accessibility for all workers.

Frontline workers face significant challenges when it comes to training, including limited time and resources, language barriers, and other cultural factors. Mobile learning can help to overcome these challenges and provide workers with the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs effectively.

Image from Freepick

Micro-learning is an effective approach to mobile learning because it breaks down complex topics into bite-sized pieces of information that can be easily absorbed and retained by workers. This approach simplifies the learning process and makes it more accessible, which is especially beneficial for workers who may have limited education or experience with technology.

Micro-learning also has several advantages when it comes to training frontline workers. For example, it can be used to deliver just-in-time training, providing workers with the information they need when they need it, rather than requiring them to sit through long, often irrelevant training sessions. Additionally, micro-learning can provide a more personalized learning experience, tailoring the content to the needs and interests of individual workers, which can improve engagement and motivation and lead to better learning outcomes.

Most importantly, micro-learning can help to address equity issues when it comes to training frontline workers. By breaking down complex topics into smaller, more easily digestible pieces, it can make training more accessible to workers who may have limited time or resources. It can also help to overcome language and cultural barriers, as workers can access the content in their own language and at their own pace.

Image from Freepik

In conclusion, mobile learning using micro-learning can be a powerful tool for improving equity and accessibility when it comes to training frontline workers. It makes training more accessible and engaging for all workers, regardless of their background or level of education. As such, it is an approach that should be considered by all organizations committed to improving the skills and knowledge of their frontline workers.

CoDo can help build the equitable and accessible training for your frontline workers.

