Gentle nudging and reminder for your team

Hana Park
CoDo on Onboarding & Training
3 min readApr 26, 2023

One of the CoDo features that has been receiving rave reviews from our customers is the ability to set up automatic reminders for the cohort group of learners. This article explores how companies can easily implement nudging and reminder systems into their current training programs to increase engagement with their workers.

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In the workplace, there are essential trainings for personal and professional growth or job requirements. However, without a little reminder, it can be difficult to keep people on track and engaged in the learning journey. That’s where nudging and reminder systems come in handy!

Think of nudging as a friendly tap on the shoulder, gently encouraging others to take action or make a positive choice. For example, you might send out an email reminding your team to sign up for an exciting training program that’s available, or set up a system where they receive regular notifications or reminders to complete specific learning modules or assignments.

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Similarly, when incorporating reminder systems with your current training methods, it can be a great way to keep everyone motivated and focused on learning goals. These systems might involve automated emails, push notifications on a mobile app, or even friendly reminders from a colleague. For instance, you might receive a daily reminder on your phone encouraging you to spend some time reviewing educational materials, or a weekly email reminder about upcoming training deadlines for completing assignments.

These friendly nudges and reminders are so effective because they help keep learning and development at the forefront of our minds, even when we’re dealing with competing demands and priorities. By providing regular prompts and gentle encouragement, organizations can ensure that employees stay on track and engaged with their learning programs.

Of course, it’s important to remember that nudging and reminder systems alone aren’t enough to drive meaningful learning experience. Organizations must also provide high-quality, engaging training programs that are relevant to employees’ needs and interests. Also, using the right medium such as mobile phones when sending this friendly reminders is important. When used in conjunction with effective training programs, nudging and reminder systems can make a huge difference in promoting a culture of learning and development.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for ways to improve your team’s learning journey to be more engaging and motivating, don’t be afraid to embrace nudging and reminder systems. These friendly prompts and reminders can help you track the progress of your team’s learning and keep them focused on achieving learning goals!

At CoDo, we built a micro-training tool for anyone who needs to deliver task-related procedural information to groups of people and whose performance is measured by the outcome of these efforts.

