Coεmeta Public Work Log 2022.0.veu — Foundations & Emergence

Vernal Equinox Update (3/20/2022): initial launch & wayfinding equilibrium as a ‘solopreneur’

Daniel McNichol
Published in
6 min readMar 21, 2022


This is the first of many intended Public Work Log entries for Coεmeta, a Public Benefit LLC providing data & sensemaking services with positive externalities. It is intended as a window into our journey & playbook as it develops, in the spirit of working in public, contributing to knowledge commons, “finding the others” & leaving a trail + some resources for those that follow. I hope it inspires more folks to follow a similarly rewarding path & find similar (if modest & provisional) success. Feel free to reach out at any time, I’m happy to help however I can!

- Daniel McNichol, founder & Chief Data Scientist

This post is an excerpt of the full versions available at: Github (primary source & version control) & Roam (navigable outline format)

…comments, forks & pull requests are welcome!

📜 Prologue: backstory & motivations

Coεmeta is my attempt at an infinite game. The goal of infinite games is not to win, but to keep playing.

I consider this my metagame (as opposed to endgame):

a more balanced, integrated, enriching & impactful life in greater community

To pursue this metagame indefinitely (aka “infinitely”), I needed to reclaim some agency & autonomy in my work. So Coεmeta is also currently a Pennsylvania Public Benefit LLC, serving as a vehicle for more traditional freelance & consulting work, as well as broader public-benefit oriented activities.

(My longer-term vision for Coεmeta as a formal entity is something more like a worker-owned cooperative or DAO with shared collective ownership, or at least part of a federated network of mutual aid & partnerships with other “self-sovereign” ᵋ groups or entities. This is part of the “in greater community” aspect of the metagame, but more on that later.)

So Coεmeta is not exactly a traditional ‘venture’ or typical small business or startup etc, but assumes some of those trappings for now. The ⏳ Timeline section recaps more of the motivations & considerations underlying all of this, & the 🗺 Frameworks section describes some of the strategic planning & wayfinding models I’ve used so far.

As elaborated in the full post, public work & contributing to knowledge commons are core parts of the overall metagame strategy & ethos. So this post is part of that: figuring it out as I go, learning while doing, in public. I hope to establish a template & cadence for these things.

NB: I’m generally skeptical of this terminology & its associations with neoliberal / libertarian fantasies of fully atomized “sovereign individuals”, but “independent” isn’t quite adequate either.

🧬 Strategic Frameworks: sensemaking, planning & evaluation

a mutant 2x2 of Coεmeta strategic pillars, see full post for details

As a decision science practitioner & general strategy nerd, I’ve seen how the right framework can simplify, clarify & streamline the task of making sense of information & (potential) actionsas long as we don’t mistake the map for the territory ᵋ. So I’ve made ample use of various models & frameworks in the planning & execution of Coεmeta to date. This is a short list of the most relevant & cogent.

ᵋ …a few more obligatory caveats & cautionary aphorisms regarding models & planning:

(This content became far too long to navigate without the ability to collapse & expand sections, so see the full version on Github or Roam)

⏳ Timeline

A brief timeline of relevant events, from Coεmeta’s conception, to launch in Jan 2022, to the time of writing on the vernal equinox of Mar 20, 2022.

(This content became far too long to navigate without the ability to collapse & expand sections, so see the full version on Github or Roam)

꩜ Coda: Eval & Checkout

a Wardley Map, see full post for details

Vibe Check

I’ll leave the raw scorekeeping & evaluation metrics for another update, along with a formal open-source strategy repository for proper versions of some frameworks & other artifacts covered above. I wanna keep this post more narrative-based & vibey.

So speaking of vibe checks: I feel good.

I’ve found some of the greater balance I was seeking, in several areas:

  • lifestyle (sleep, diet, activity, etc)
  • inner & outer life (no longer perpetually socially exhausted by relentless compulsory sociality, I’m more open to voluntary sociality)
  • work-life balance (& crucially, integration of some aspects of these, while maintaining healthy boundaries with greater autonomy)

And my more integrated work-life has been more rewarding, & more palpably impactful (though limited in scale & scope so far).

It’s extremely early in the game, & there have been challenges, setbacks, looming doubts & uncertainty, etc. I did a lot of planning & yet, predictably, things did not go exactly according to plan. But overall things are good & the path feels right. I look forward to continuing to shift to more of an outward focus, enabling clients & collaborators to be more impactful, & growing our mutual capacities together.

Exit to Infinity

The Coεmeta journey so far has been, frankly, smoother & more successful than I probably had any right to expect. And that is largely due to luck, & the kindness of others — e.g. peers & former colleagues generously making referrals & enthusiastic endorsements (or retweets) — more than anything I’ve done myself. As described above, I did a lot of planning & strategic sensemaking, put in the time & effort etc, but the most positive developments have all been precipitated by others, or lucky breaks.

I don’t expect this to continue indefinitely. There will be greater challenges, feasts & famines. Maybe there will be times when my big-brain planning frameworks produce the crucial insight or tactical adjustment which enables a great breakthrough. Maybe sheer determination & individual effort will carry the day. But I hope not. I’d rather continue to be primarily powered by the support of others, & return the favor, pay it forward & work synergistically whenever possible. And in the meantime I’ll continue wayfinding towards greater balance, integration & impact, by myself & with others.

That is the metagame, the infinite game:

a more balanced, integrated, enriching & impactful life in greater community

…& for now at least, with zeal & gratitude, I’m still playing 🙏🏼

Thanks for reading, follow me & the Coεmeta publication for past & future posts. And comment with your thoughts, questions or suggestions!

Follow on twitter: @dnlmc , @co3meta
Youtube: Coεmeta channel

Coεmeta is about finding truth together

We create data & sensemaking tools & services with positive externalities: supporting commons, solidarity economies & prosocial change.

Learn more at



Daniel McNichol

Founder & Chief Scientist @ Coεmeta ( | formerly Associate Director of Analytics & Decision Science @ the Philadelphia Inquirer