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A Step-by-Step Guide to Perfection in Holiday Slacking
The holiday season is upon us once again, bringing with it the scent of peppermint lattes, the twinkling of lights, and the familiar dread of having to continue working while the rest of the world enjoys time off.
But fear not, fellow working stiffs.
I’m here to impart some unconventional wisdom and provide you with my handy guide to looking busy during the holidays while doing as little actual work as possible.
Consider me your slacker spirit animal.
Now, before we dive in, let me make one thing clear: I do not actually condone slacking off at work. But perhaps think of this as less of an endorsement and more of a tongue-in-cheek look at some of the tactics less motivated individuals may employ.
Consider it satire with just a hint of truth. A metaphorical wink and a nudge, if you will.
Alright, let’s get to it.
Here are my top tips for appearing busy while expending minimal effort:
Always walk around with a notebook or stack of papers
This makes you look focused and diligent, even if those papers are just random doodles or your holiday shopping lists.