Where’s the Holiday Spirit, Medium? This Platform Needs a Santa!

Becca Brooks
Coffee & Cake
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2023


As the holiday season ramps up with cold weather, Christmas trees popping up everywhere, and festive music bombarding us at every turn, I can’t help but notice something is missing — where’s the holiday cheer on Medium?

Where’s the holiday cheer? Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev on Unsplash

Unlike the winter wonderlands in department stores and on radio stations, Medium remains a rather ho-ho-hum place this time of year.

Sure, some writers may toss around the occasional “Happy Holidays” or post about family traditions, but where’s the full-on holiday spirit? The sparkling lights, bells jingling, and bustling excitement of the season?

*insert sound effect of a sad trombone here*

What we need is a Medium Santa!

Look, it’s Medium Santa! Photo by Alicia Slough on Unsplash

Can you imagine?

A jolly old man who slides down the homepage chimney each December to give gifts to nice Medium writers and lump sums of coal to the naughty ones. And we know there are plennnnty of those on here, right 18+ writers? *wink wink* Santa’s got a special sexy stocking for you!



Becca Brooks
Coffee & Cake

Aspiring writer seeking readers. Will write for food.