2 Things I’ve learnt since being a father of twins

Moe Fayed
Coffee Chronicals
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2016

We are blessed. After fighting stage 4 cancer and winning, my wife and I were blessed with a baby boy and a baby girl today. TWINS! As you would expect, in all the choas you manage to find the time to self reflect on what worldly wisdom the world has to offer in this milestone. In the sandstorm of emotions, I’ve gleaned two pronounced themes…


I discovered how to live forever! Well, not really forever, but I figure at least 100 to 200 years at the very least. In my childeren and my grandkids memories, that’s how! It’s up to me how these memories get made, and if I am lucky, just maybe - I can have them be the stuff legends are made of. The kind which the waves of time has no effect on. Choose each moment wisely and make each memory special. Have you read a more cliche line? But today I understand it more than ever, its more powerful than “live today as if it’s your last”. Harness this powerful potion and you can achieve immortality for your spirit and deeds.

My Moral Compass

“You’ve done your research, you know these little humans are sponges. Sponges that will suck your essence to shape their character. Make them proud, leave them something they can look back on and always remember you by. You will be a super hero to them in the smallest things you do, so give them something BIG to remember you by.” I said to myself out loud. I weigh all my actions from that day onwards by this measure, and it’s startling how quickly things change when you do that. You want a litmus test to your decision? Ask yourself, will my kids be proud of me? And just like that, and with absolute certainty, my twins became my moral compass.



Moe Fayed
Coffee Chronicals

A father of twins, a student of life and eternally curious about the world. I chronicle whims, glimpse moments & persuade words to color the tapestries of life.