Coffee Math

Black Baza Coffee
Coffee Grounds
Published in
1 min readMay 28, 2020

Verse by Dhruv Sehgal

I am bad at maths
But I know 1+1 makes 2
And 2+1 is 3
There isn’t much difference between the two
It is a matter of just one

But this one is more than two and much more than three
And that is where all the problem lies.

I like one cup in the morning,
Another one in the evening.
Even a drop more can brew a storm in my mind
My fingers slip away from my hands
My eyes start seeing the ghosts.
And my mind…my mind…oh my mind…

Two is good. Two feels good.
Choco-mint is made of — chocolate and mint
Agio o lio is just — garlic and olive oil
And at my home I have always have —
A light roast and a medium-dark roast.

And as much as tempting that one more cup is
It is through me being bad at maths
That I have realised the fragilities of my mind.

A cup in the morning
And another in the evening
And my days are just fine.

About Dhruv

Dhruv Sehgal is an actor and writer known for his work in Filter Copy and Little Things. And a lover of coffee.



Black Baza Coffee
Coffee Grounds

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