10 Camping Hacks for Noobs

Lisa Post
Coffee House Writers
5 min readAug 14, 2017

After a mere 26 years of hinting and light cajoling, my husband finally agreed to a family camping trip. We had other plans for a family get away, but that fell through, and we were left with some funds. I did some preliminary research (“preliminary,” as in “26 years of drooling over tents and camping supplies online”) and was able to tally up a start-up cost. I would love to say I stayed totally in the budget, but I would be lying through my fingers. I didn’t go too much over, but with so many great ideas out there, it was hard not to partake in some of the wonderful hacks provided by others on Pinterest. In that spirit, I hope to pay forward some of our experience.

  1. Look in plain sight…. For the air mattress that is. Along with a tent that sleeps 15 (so they said on the package), I had promised my husband a good air mattress for us to sleep on. I think his number one worry was sleeping on the ground. So, a couple of months back I ordered an inflatable queen-sized mattress for us. We were almost all unpacked at the campground when I realized I hadn’t seen the air mattress, still in the box. We hunted through the cars to no avail. I even drove back home (we live about a half hour from the state park we were camping at) and tore apart every room including the garage and attic looking for the thing. I finally resorted to bringing an extra thick quilt and bedding to fold into a mattress.

2. Test the tent before you camp. I would add to never believe it when it says “quick setup… only 3 minutes!”. Yeah, right. I will admit I was impressed with my husband and son who did the test run on the tent a few days before the trip. It only took them 30 minutes. Not bad for the first time. At the camp site, it was faster, but certainly not 3 minutes. It might have gone faster if we had paid attention to number 3.

3. Bring a mallet. Pounding stakes into rocky soil is much easier with the right tool.

4. Use REAL ratchet straps. I bought “tent” ratchet straps at Walmart, and they were terrible. There was no “ratchet” to them. And they withstood absolutely no pounds of pressure. We ended up just tying them. Do yourself a favor and get the automotive grade ratchet straps, and make sure they are the real deal. I intend to before our next camping trip.

5. Make sure your LED rechargeable flashlight is charged. No other comment is needed here.

6. Remember to be very careful about cleaning up food, and cookware. Remember to put all food into coolers and in your vehicle. Remember also to put up the dang windows.

7.When you buy those cute little personal LED lights from the Dollar Store for all the kids, make sure you get the batteries for them.

8. When you buy those cute little personal LED lights from the Dollar Store for all the kids, make sure you get one for yourself.

9. Be a boy scout, and be prepared. Yeah, we bought wood and had a nice little stockpile going. Too bad we didn’t remember the newspaper or kindling. Any onlookers would never believe we are well-versed at lighting fires and heated our home with a wood stove for years.

10. Read up on bears in the area. When we checked in, we were given a sheet of paper, along with the paperwork for the camp site, of what to do to not attract bears. Apparently, they are “curious,” and all manner of scents can attract them. Not just food, but your deodorant, tooth paste, aftershave, anything with an odor. Everything should be locked up in the car, windows closed. I was feeling pretty confident about the bear issue until I noticed the lovely blueberry bushes planted and thriving around the bath house. Thankfully, we had no encounters with any four-legged creatures that we couldn’t handle.

So, overall our first camping experience was wonderful. I loved everything from the sound of birds waking up with the sun, the pungent odor of the fire at night, kicking back and relaxing for a few days, experiencing a sense of community with other campers, and best of all… no internet! No phone service! No electronic interference of any kind. The kids played games, we went to the lake, I read two books, chatted with my husband and just… breathed. The experience was a hit with everyone, including the man who held off for 26 years.

And, just so you know, we found the air mattress the day after we returned home. It was hidden in the attic, stored near the camping bin. But, it was cleverly camouflaged in the Amazon box it came in. I had been looking for the air mattress box. That brings us back to hack number 1: “Look in plain sight” not just for the air mattress, but for enjoyment in your family, in the beauty of God’s creation, and the simple life, for letting the pace of life slow way down, and for just breathing. It’s all there if we take the time to find it.



Lisa Post
Coffee House Writers

Writer, student, teacher, mom, wife… you name it I probably wear the hat. Avid reader and writer, and lover of people watching, finding humor in everyday life.