10 Things To Do When You Are Bored : My List

Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers
4 min readMar 12, 2018

Let’s be real here we all get bored right? And when we get bored, we struggle to find something to do.

Yes, I get bored and struggle to find things to keep me busy.

If you are someone who struggles with boredom, here are my ten things I do when I’m bored. You can use suggestions from my list, or it may inspire you to build yourself a list. Warning- your mind may over-flood after reading it.

1. Listen to Music

I love music. Whenever I’m having a bad day, I pull up YouTube and put on my favorite song. It never fails to cheer me up and put me in a better mood. There’s nothing like a good jam session with your favorite songs. Now, come on, how could that not cheer you up.

2. Writing

Writing is like therapy. It helps me get my feelings out and express myself. I’m someone who struggles to express myself verbally. If I try to, it always starts and ends in tears all the time. So, I use writing as a tool to help, and it makes me feel better. And I love to write, so it’s the perfect tool for me in that case.

3. Talk to a friend

Sometimes when you are having an off day, talking to a friend is sometimes all the therapy you need. Whether it’s on Facebook, on the phone, or in person, my friends never fail to make me smile and help me feel better whenever I’m having a terrible day. And I can’t get myself back on track. They always remind me how much I’m loved and supported- and you need those types of friends in your life.

4. Do small chores in the house

I not only do this when I’m bored but also when I’m home by myself and my anxiety is building up. Yes, that’s right, I have anxiety. It’s the only way I can burn it off and get myself to calm down.

5. Treat yourself

If you are having one of those days where you feel like nothing, no matter what anyone does or says, is making you feel better, then treat yourself to your favorite drink or treat. I’m a sucker for anything chocolate (Milkshakes, hot chocolate, etc.) when you are having a bad day, and you are bored enough not to want to occupy yourself- get a treat or drink. It will not hurt.

6. Self-care

Taking care of yourself is essential. Watch a movie, eat your favorite comforting meal. If you are rundown, take a nap or watch TV. I end up taking a nap when the power goes out- because when the power goes out nothing works and all you can do is wait. So, napping for me in those times is a good alternative when I bored waiting. Your body and mental health come first. So, take some time and take care of you.

7. Go out for a bowling night

I love to go bowling. It’s one of my favorite things to do. It’s also another way to burn off anxiety because I’m throwing a ball and walking to and from the lane. A good bowling night with friends or family can always make you happy, especially after a long and stressful work week.

8. Scroll Facebook

OK, I’ll admit it, I scroll Facebook all day every day in my PJ’s, and I have no shame of saying that. Seeing my friends succeeding in everything: writing, college, work or at life in general always puts a smile on my face. I’m so proud of my friends.

9. Read a book

I’m not an active reader, but for all the bookworms out there, this would be a perfect thing for you to do. Sitting back comfy and reading your favorite book can always make you forget that you’re bored.

10. Make yourself laugh

When you need to get out of boredom sometimes anything funny can perk you right up. I love to laugh and make other people laugh. I think it’s true that laughter is the best medicine. Just watching a stupid, dumb and hilarious video on YouTube or a funny movie can make anyone laugh. I love any movie that has comedy in it- it always perks me up.

I’ll be honest, out of everything on this list, the only thing I don’t do is #9, but I recommend it to all the bookworms out there. Now, that I made my list; I want to know what’s on your boredom list? What are the ten things you do when you’re bored? Is it knitting or something else? There’s no right or wrong answer here.

Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash



Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers

A young writer who strives to spread her positive and inspiring message one story at a time.