A Lover’s Game

Aylin Cedillo
Coffee House Writers
1 min readAug 20, 2018
Photo Courtesy of Nathan Anderson on “Unsplash”

We played a game

a silly, stupid game

But you begged me

to play along

and how could I neglect you

with sunsets in your eyes

and electricity in your hands

as you held me

You asked me my three fears

and I said

drowning, disappointment, and dying

Your eyes brewed a storm

with melancholy rain

So I asked you

what three things you loved most

You responded with

family, music, and laughter

My heart skipped a beat

You paused

and I swear I grew worried

that I had bored you

But you surprised me by asking

Why are we here?

I said here, together?

You shook your head and repeated why are we here

I looked at you and you stared back

expecting me to have an answer

So I kissed your golden skin

and you waited for me

but I didn’t have the answer then

I only had fragments of

the sky I wanted to show you

but now I can say that

we are here

to love, because without it

we are truly lost

Why else would we have stardust in our bones

if it weren’t to piece together constellations

