A Moment of Sharing

Emily and Landon continue to learn about each other as their bond grows.

Jennifer Kent
Coffee House Writers
4 min readSep 18, 2017


Photograph Courtesy of Pexels

When I told Landon I wanted to see what he designed, even assuming he would be talented, I never expected this. The architecture is so beautiful and his idea for the apartments makes me fall a little harder for him. I know the apartments will be amazing, and he told me they will be affordable for people who really need them. That is why he wants the businesses below to be small and homey. It’ll be like their own little community. Small businesses will have a built-in clientele and the tenants have necessities literally a flight of stairs away. He continually surprises me with how compassionate he is. But, the biggest surprise of all was the fact that he knew about my dream to open a book store, and that this is the perfect place for it to go.

I know the smile on my face has slipped, but only because I am so shocked. Sensing that, he rushes on to say, “I never really asked you what you were thinking of doing when you finished with your Master’s, but you just strike me as the kind of person who would thrive owning a book store.”

Laughing because I myself never really thought beyond graduation, and never really thought owning a book store would be anything more than a pipe dream, I walk over and hug him before saying, “I haven’t really thought that far ahead, but how could you have possibly known that I have always dreamed of owning my own little book store?”

“Maybe I can read your mind.” Turning his face into my hair he squeezes me a little tighter before pulling back and saying, “Honestly, I think people would really benefit from you running a book store around here. Your passion is infectious.”

“I never thought of it that way, what a sweet thing to say.”

“This may sound crazy but I think it was fate that you walked into my coffee shop.”

Pulling back, I poke him in the stomach and laugh, “Our coffee shop.”

Laughing too then rolling his eyes he concedes, “Our coffee shop.”

Turning to stand beside him, I wrap my arm around his waist as we look at the spot that would be perfect for a little book store. “And what does me walking into the coffee shop have to do with anything?”

“If we never met then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” He says with a wink, then adds, “And as perfect as this scenario is, our relationship is even better.”

Looking down and blushing I respond, “Oh.”

“And this little plaza really should have a coffee shop, you know, to add to the ambience.”

“Okay.” I answer skeptically.

“It would be perfect inside your book store and would bring in foot traffic.” He adds with an adorable shrug.

“You’re not making any sense.” Trying to lighten the mood with a joke I say, “And we already have a favorite coffee shop.”

“I was hoping maybe you could open a new one and we’d have two favorites,” he says smiling down at me. “Plus, I forgot to mention, down that little alleyway across from where the laundry room is going to be, will be where my new office is being set up.”

Smiling like a goof, “Maybe I sound crazy too, but I am loving this idea!” I say as I hug him again.

Pulling back, he frames my face in his hands and smiles, “This will be pretty incredible.”

Taking a deep breath, I say, “Now, I want to show you my favorite place. But, I’ll need to drive.” Holding out my hand for the keys.

He gives me a cynical look but hands over his keys without question so I ask, “You’re sure you’re okay with me driving your car?”

“Of course.” He says before taking my hand and leading me to the driver’s side. Halfway there he stops and turns to face me, “You do have a valid driver’s license, right?” He asks trying to contain his smile.

Laughing, I step past him and start towards the car again. “Very funny.”

After what he shared with me, I’m ecstatic to bring him to my favorite place. When I used to come out here to visit Gram as a kid, I would always go there to de-stress, write, or just hang out. When she told me it closed down, it broke my heart. Since I’ve been back I haven’t had the chance to go out and see it but, right now with Landon, it feels right. I’m sure he’s been here. I can’t wait to share something that is so important to me with him.

“Buckle up.” I say with a smile in his direction.

“Turnabout is fair play? You won’t even give me a hint?”

“Absolutely not. You have to wait about ten minutes. I had to wait a whole week.” I say as I pull onto the main road.

Holding his hands up in surrender he laughs and says, “Very true. I can be patient.”



Jennifer Kent
Coffee House Writers

Writing allows us to explore all the worlds we would normally never get to.