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A Silent Cry

Cynthia Gillespie
Coffee House Writers


A tiny boat sways in the ocean

In that boat sits a young girl

Tired, Alone, Afraid

She has only her thoughts to keep her company

But they are deceiving and unsettling

She cries out for help

All she can hear is distant laughing and sounds of excitement

Her heart breaks, they can hear her, but they ignore her cries

The waves become so rough, it takes all her strength to stay above the water

Alone, forgotten, lost in her thoughts

She screams for someone to look her way

Once again no one comes for her

All alone she still holds on, struggling to stay above water

Hoping to be heard, yet she knows no one will come



Cynthia Gillespie
Coffee House Writers

Mother, Writer, Psychology student. ~ “Be courageous and try to write in a way that scares you a little.” ~ Holley Gerth