Are You About To Start In The Writing Field ? Here’s The Top 5 Things You Should Know

Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers
3 min readFeb 25, 2019

Writing is a very skilled field and takes a lot of practice to master. It’s not just writing a bunch of words on a piece of paper and your done, it’s training your mind to come up with words, being creative as well as being able to make those words flow efficiently.

Writing is hard for everyone, mastering it won’t happen overnight. Writing is something you put your heart and soul into. You work countless hours to put out the best articles possible for your readers and fans, it’s a lot of work, but’s all worth the blood, sweat, and tears once it’s out of your hands and published.

Are you about to begin your journey in the writing field? Good for you! However, there are a few things you should know if you’re just starting out. Take this to heart from a writer who’s looking out for you.

1. You may have to sacrifice a day on the weekend to write- This will happen especially if you write for a platform that has a specific deadline to reach. If you can’t find time during the week to get your article in, use a weekend day to work hard and get it in. I know it will be hard to sacrifice a weekend day, but trust me, once that article is out of your hands, you’ll be glad you did.

2. Once you apply to platforms with deadlines, writing becomes like a job- This is me. As well as writing for Coffee House Writers, I’m swamped with 3 other writing sites. Every week or so I feel like my fingers are on the keyboard typing an article. So, this proves my point that writing is like a job……don’t say I didn’t warn you!

3. Make sure to do self-care- Writing can sometimes consume you so much, you may forget to take care of yourself. Take a break from the keyboard every once in while and make time for you. This will help keep you from getting run down and forgetting that your heath comes first.

4. Take your time! This is key. Don’t just whip up an article in 5 minutes and expect it to be done. Put some effort into it! Put your best foot forward. Prove that you want to grow and improve as a writer.

5. Get yourself published- when you’re ready and it’s your time, start publishing the articles you’ve already done and get your name out there! It’s great to see other people read the articles you write.

So, beginners, have you changed your mind? If you have that’s ok! If not good! Writing is a wild ride, especially when your first published, but it’s a fun and rewarding wild ride, that’s for sure!

Your hard work will pay off in the long run as a writer, it has for me!

What are you waiting for beginners? Get a pencil and paper and get writing!

Good luck and happy writing!

Photo By Eye for Ebony on Unsplash



Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers

A young writer who strives to spread her positive and inspiring message one story at a time.