As The Seasons Turn

Molly Spence
Coffee House Writers
2 min readMar 25, 2019
Photo by: Daniel Spase | Pexels

The passage of time
perpetually goes.

Where the years will guide you,
no one ever honestly knows

Each day a lesson,
each year
a priceless memory

As the seasons turn
and we reach into the past,
repeatedly pondering,
“Why did I let
that circumstance phase me?”

A fearless
and riveting
tale of freedom;
of boundless liberation

A new framework left
with the familiar elements
of determination

Each word a release,
each story a new adventure

As the seasons’ turn,
we move forward
standing tall,
“Faith is what got me through it all.”

The powerful colors
fiercely intertwined
inside the artistic mind

The vibrance of a story
untold that’s neglected
and left behind.

Each reader a precious soul,
each poem a potential encouragement.

As the seasons turn,
ending our day,
we sit reminiscing,
“What has life truly meant?”

Valuable moments wasted
by the quest for a pointing arrow,
a golden possibility.

Our mind’s existence
infinitely narrow
as we age ever
so surely.

The decision to take
the leap of faith
and to embark
on a journey unknown;
basking in endless
excitement and creativity.

As the seasons’ turn,
you’ll look back
and happily remark
to everyone you know,
“The storyteller lives in me,
and today her spirit roams vivaciously.”

The dawn will come
and the sun will set.

Spend your time wisely,
experience lies ahead
always awaiting you.

Time hasn’t shown you
the greatest life
could ever be,
not quite time
for the best of you

Your days
a mixture of emotions
and trials.

is one of a kind
teaching us one minute
at a time.

Sentences spoken,
and those emotions felt.

You must always
live by the cards
that stretch
vigorously for miles.

As the seasons turn,
you evolve into
someone stronger.

With a deeper
understanding of your story,
as you’ve lived a little bit longer.

and a voice
is coasting its way.

Inside of you
there is so much
that you haven’t yet found
the courage to say.

As the seasons turn,
undoubtedly your story
will reach out to touch
countless souls one day.



Molly Spence
Coffee House Writers

31 year old writer & blogger from Scott Depot, West Virginia. /