Balancing the Body: An Overview of the Seven Chakras

Allison Baldwin
Coffee House Writers
4 min readAug 21, 2017
Picture taken from Wikimedia


By definition, the word means to keep elements equal or in the correct proportions. Every day, people work on balancing their personal and professional lives, their diets and their self-care.

These are the physical and emotional aspects of our lives that people, for the most part at least, know they have control over.

But did you know that we can also balance energy? And we can do it, just by learning more about our bodies?

According to a variety of metaphysical and spiritual teachers, our body is made up of seven energy centers known as chakras. Chakra, a Sanskrit word, means wheel or disk. According to a variety of metaphysical and spiritual teachers, these energy centers process energies and then convert those energies into cellular, hormonal, and/or chemical changes in the body. Starting at the base of the spine, and reaching the top of the head, each chakra corresponds to a specific area of the body and a specific emotional need. Experts say that, when each of these chakras are balanced, human beings have the best chance of attaining emotional and spiritual fulfillment.

For those of you who want to learn more specifics about chakras, read below for an overview.

1. The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, represents the emotional energy related to survival and the right to exist in physical space. People who experience imbalances in this area may be dealing with personal insecurities and learning how to stand up for themselves and their convictions. Physical manifestations of an imbalance could include symptoms related to back pain, fatigue, and frequent colds. The chakra is represented by the color red and can be balanced by wearing red, eating red foods, and maintaining regular exercise and sleep schedules.

2. The sacral chakra, located at the lower abdomen, below the naval, represents emotional issues related to socialization and intimacy, including our sense of well-being, pleasure, and sexuality. Physical manifestations of an imbalance could include eating disorders, drug abuse, and discomfort with sensuality and sexual pleasure. The chakra is associated with the color orange and can be healed by taking hot baths, getting massages, or wearing or visualizing the color orange, or eating orange foods.

3. The solar plexus chakra, represented by the color yellow, is located near the stomach area above the naval. Balancing this chakra can help us learn to deal with issues related to personal power including, but not limited to, our ability to maintain self-control. Physical manifestations of an imbalance could include digestive problems, diabetes, nervousness, and poor memory. We can balance this chakra by reading books, surrounding ourselves with the essential oils lemon and rosemary, getting out in the sunshine, or participating in a detox program.

4. The heart chakra, represented by the color green, is located at the center of the chest. As you may have guessed, this chakra represents relationships of all types, both with other people and with ourselves. People dealing with an imbalance in this area may experience a lack of love, joy or inner peace. Physical manifestations of an imbalance could include heart diseases and disorders, chest pain, high blood pressure, or muscular tension. To regain balance try going on nature walks, spending time with family, friends, and loved ones, visualizing the color green, or carrying green gemstones.

5. The throat chakra, represented by the color blue, unsurprisingly, is located in the throat region. Balancing this chakra can help us learn lessons related to authentic communication and expression, and our ability to trust, both others and ourselves. Physical manifestations of an imbalance could include swollen glands, fever and flu, infections, and hormonal issues. We can balance this chakra by singing (my personal favorite!), reading poetry, viewing art, or using oils such as chamomile.

6. The third eye chakra, represented by the color indigo, is located at the forehead near the brows. Balancing this chakra can help us learn lessons related to trusting our intuition, as well as our ability to release negative thoughts. Physical manifestations of an imbalance could include sleep disorders. We can balance this chakra by meditating, stargazing, or carrying indigo gemstones.

7. The crown chakra, represented by the color violet, is located at the top of the head. Balancing this chakra can help us learn lessons regarding spirituality and trusting in divine knowingness and power. The goal of this chakra is learning to trust the Universe and the divine pattern of life. Physical manifestations of an imbalance could include headaches and skin rashes. We can balance this chakra by writing down our visions and dreams and using violet oils such as lavender.

To learn more about the chakras, and to discover your chakra balance chart, visit,

