Becoming a Work from Home Mom

R. Skye
Coffee House Writers
3 min readAug 21, 2017
Photo Credit: Amanda Denman

I never thought I would become a work from home mom, but strangely enough, it has happened. I’m going to tell you about our new day to day struggles and ramblings. Surprisingly, L is doing very well during this transition. I never asked to be a stay at home mom or to work from home. This transition has been difficult for me. L is excited she gets more time with Mama before this child comes out of me in January. There are things I miss from the corporate 9 to 5 jobs, but I have also gained a lot more assurance knowing it’s okay to take it one day at a time.

I started working from home this month. I started a brand-new job. What am I doing now? I know you are dying to know. I am working with DoTERRA as a wellness advocate. I could go into a lot of details, but that will come in time. My schedule now consists of this: Wake up between 6–7am. Breakfast between 7–9am. Playtime between 9–11am. Naptime between 11–1pm. I am pregnant so sometimes I opt for a nap with the babe, other times I use this time to work on my business. Around 2 pm we go outside. Then between 3–4pm we come back inside and do a craft before dinner.

Dinner is anytime from 5–8 pm, which brings us to wind-down time afterward, where L watches her utmost favorite T.V show “Tractor Tom”. Then, it’s time for brushing teeth and bed. Once she is in bed, I dig into my reading. I also watch Youtube videos about my work. I dedicate 90 minutes a day to planning. The rest I do on my phone.

Tuesday and Friday are L’s “daycare” days. These are the days I still race to the daycare between 7–8 am and drop her off. Except now, I have a complete sense of relief and lollygag around until she kicks me out. Dropping a day of daycare was not easy for her or me, but I couldn’t afford the $126 a week. I dropped down to $84 a week. It may not be beneficial for you, but it was for me. L still gets her socialization skills and her learning. Plus, potty-training is happening. It’s wonderful she is branching out at daycare as well. I realize she misses her friends, but I am always down to set up a playdate with our new schedule.

After I drop L off on a Tuesday or Friday. I head into town and relax by the water as I drink my sparkling water. I used to drink a coffee during this morning partake, but I can no-longer stomach it. I am hoping and praying to reach a level of peace where my child lets me drink my coffee again. I enjoyed it so much. I lived off of it. It truly was a blessing. I don’t know if any other moms out there agree or not but I believe coffee is the go to for almost everything.

After I relax, I head into my I.P.A. world. Which is Income Producing Activities. This could be anything, watching Youtube as I mentioned, going over my planning. Writing names down and crossing them off, or posting images to Facebook. Then I head home and work on my homework. I am still a college student. That I won’t put on hold for too long, although, I have agreed to take off a few semesters in January-April. This is primarily because I am having a child. That makes me a Momma of two children.

Occasionally, I will take a nap. I enjoy that thirty-minute breeze. It feels so wonderful, to be rejuvenated. Sometimes, I will watch Netflix or Games of Thrones, but usually, you will find me reading a book. Then I run back to the daycare, between 4–5 pm to pick up L, unless I have an appointment. Those always dictate my schedule.

