Being a Bi-Sexual Virgin

Josephine Green
Coffee House Writers
2 min readNov 13, 2017

What I mean by that is not that I’m a virgin — I have been with a man — but I’m a bi-sexual woman whose never been with a woman. And it doesn’t look like that’ll ever happen as my current partner and I are very serious about each other. Now does this make me less of a bi-sexual? I don’t think so. A gay person doesn’t have to have sex with the same sex to know they’re gay, so I don’t think I need to have sex with a woman to know that I’m bi-sexual.

I have been told by some that I’m not technically a bisexual until I experience sex with another woman, which I find ridiculous. Would someone tell a virgin they’re not technically straight until they lose their virginity? I know I’m bi-sexual because I’m sexually attracted to both men and women. It’s that simple. For whatever reason, I just never had the opportunity to date a woman, which a tiny part of me regrets. Not that I want anything to change with the relationship I’m in, because I’m very much in love with my boyfriend, I just sometimes wish before I’d met him I could’ve experienced a relationship with a woman. But it didn’t happen, and I’m okay with that. It doesn’t make me less of a bi-sexual.

Photo courtesy of Good Free Photos

I just want to say to anyone out there struggling with their sexuality that it’s okay no matter what you identify as, or what you wind up experiencing or not experiencing. It doesn’t change who you are. I’ve known all different kinds of people who identified in many ways. Don’t let anyone change who or what you are based on their beliefs.

The one mistake I made in my life was letting people make me feel like less of a bi-sexual just because I’d never been with a woman. It’s something I’ll never do again. And while a part of my sexuality will forever go unexplored, I’m happy just knowing who I am and what I like. To all the people struggling out there, love yourself first, no matter who you choose love.



Josephine Green
Coffee House Writers

I live in New Jersey, in the northeastern part of the state. I have a cat named Daenerys. I don’t have any children and am unmarried but do have a boyfriend.