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Blind Legs

Jessica Niziolek
Coffee House Writers


Originally written in September 2005

I have a new self-image that came to me today.
The words’ “blind legs” came floating into the focus of my mind’s eye.
Like eyes that are foreign to a blind man who’s been blind all his life.
Standing on two legs is foreign to me.
People who blend In, aren’t always aware of what goes on.

Sometimes their questions are visible in their eyes, and I think I can see them.
“What happened to her?”
“That poor girl, it was probably in an accident.”

I always wondered why they thought an accident would hold such simplicity?
Like it’s some sort of consolation prize,
It’s not.
Neither way would be easier.
I was given cerebral palsy as a lesson to teach.
Here I am.
The ordinary blend of people got to the automatic button.
Because they don’t know.
Maybe they suffer nosebleeds because they stand so high.
They can’t see past the faces that match theirs.

They even assume about my womanhood.
What if I could walk around?
Would I walk around any less of a woman?
It’s almost like I have to stop.
Put on a show for all of you.

Strip me of my skin.
That would probably be considered a new version of the term “striptease.”
I am just like all other women, except I am sitting.
Like I have blind legs that can’t be seen beyond the wheels. Like; I have blind legs to them.

Why is it always an unsettling feeling to some?
And a questionable one to most?
If I were to blend in, I would guarantee you I wouldn’t be considered a microscopic subject to society.
I thank God I’m not. Otherwise, life could be a lot easier for people to just throw you away.

Especially if life became tangible like the human body.
I don’t mind the trials…
I always come out innocent in the end.

The jury is hummed for the time being.
My blind legs can rest for now, until the next lesson…

September 2005



Jessica Niziolek
Coffee House Writers

Disability advocate, a creative, blogger, podcast host, poet