Confused About Your Path?

Destini Febus
Coffee House Writers
3 min readJul 23, 2018

This topic has been on my mind for a while now. It always goes in circles, no end, no start, but always the same questions.

“When am I going to start doing the things I want?’’

“When am I going to stop trying to make everyone happy?”

“Why am I so indecisive?”

“What do I do?”

“How am I going to conquer this, and when?” And more.

The thoughts consume my brain almost daily, and they’re getting louder. I’m never sure how to deal with them, people give advice, but nothing sticks. Everyone always says, “But everyone is different,” after they offer their help. Here are a few things I’ve taken away from everything.

Photo Credits to Jake Sloop at

1. Don’t listen to those people.

They’re right when they say, “Everyone is different.” So, why listen to what they did to conquer it? Remember, you know yourself the best.

What I am trying to say is, take their advice with a grain of salt. Take it into consideration, imagine yourself going through with it and if it seems like a good idea, try it. If all else fails, you fall on your face again, but keep trying.

That’s what life is about, repeatedly failing until something sticks. Then all the pieces of the puzzle start coming together. It sounds harsh, and crude, but it’s what I’ve taken from this experience (of life).

Photo Credits to Ross Findon at

2. Trial and error

I’ve learned you must go through things to learn from them, whether it be a relationship, school, a tough situation, or your future. If there are two paths in front of you, take one, see how it goes. If you made the wrong decision, live with it and move onto the next one. Life is a learning lesson, and a brutal wake-up call. In my eyes, if you bite the bullet faster, the faster you’ll learn what you want and don’t want in life.

Photo Credits to rawpixel at

3. Take a chance

Taking chances, smart chances and choices, on things, people, love, and life, it will benefit you in the long run. If you’re scared to do something or unsure, go for it. There’s nothing wrong with failing, all that happens is you lived and learned from your mistakes. It’s up to you to not make the same mistake twice, and not to let people or situations live your life! Be bold, take charge and don’t look back.

If you find yourself in a rut, like I usually do, write things down. Pro’s and con’s, whichever outweighs the other, you should run with it. If you favor one or the other, ask yourself why, and move from there.

I’m a person who firmly believes in God. Our lives are predestined, including our choices, mistakes, hardship, and all the good things. So, recently I’ve told people to leave their worries to God, and he will take care of the rest. If you let him take your worries into his hands, believe he will guide you in the right direction, then the answer will smack you in the face one day.

Take a step back and see things from an outside perspective. Talk to a friend who is going through what you’re going through. A different point of view can make a lot of the difference. Keeping your head held high, and shaking things off when anxiety gets to you is important. Three deep breaths, a walk in the park to clear your mind will help you in the long run.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart- Helen Keller

