Connection of Life and Death

Chasity Gaines
Coffee House Writers
2 min readJan 22, 2018

Stark reality

between life and death

the deconstruction of what used to be

stripped bare of



strengths, and

weaknesses as well

as life moments

A fleeting memory of your painful ascension

from within the birth canal

in a rush of gushing fluid and screams

It’s the moments you felt safe

in the heavy weight of your father’s arms

or underneath the fresh covers of the bed

It’s also the first time you caressed another

causing that light-headed giddy feeling

It’s the moments where your parents were proud

of your academic achievements

There’s also those dreaded moments

filled with the burning humiliation

picked on for walking tipped toed

a graceful ballerina

It’s even sitting in the principal’s office

harrassed for a joint

falling head over heels

to have it all turn to shit

thinking this is the One

It’s the pill popping

drug abuse and

too many drunken nights

It’s losing your kids to a needle banging junkie

because the court system is screwed

seeing your older son grow into a man

It’s loving a perfectly flawed guy;

It’s everything you or I

can relate to — the connections

Like a puppeteer

depending on the string

movement may differ

causing conflict and resolution

as we turn and twist

knotted — together at least

in death’s quiet embrace



Chasity Gaines
Coffee House Writers

A lifelong writer, writing has been my sanctuary. A passionate ESL Tutor for six years, I nurture aspiring minds and foster confidence and language skills. I