
Jessica Niziolek
Coffee House Writers
1 min readJul 15, 2019

You were an unexpected surprise.

You didn’t come knocking or flashing a siren.

You were a simple greeting, said on an ordinary day.

A hello, instead of fading with the day’s sunlight, soon became a fixture in my life.

Fastening yourself to my heart and soul, claiming it, as your forever home.

You are my best friend, counterpart; you are the light that has been keeping me from fearing the dark.

You were the piece I have been longing to find, to fill a space, I didn’t even know needed filling.

You and I, balance one another out when the world is starting to slide from under us.

You’re more than my counterpart, my missing puzzle piece.

Your compassion when I lose my own; to my emotions, or the craziness of others who don’t deserve a reaction from me.

You’re my reminder that genuine love still exists in this world.

While this world gives us plenty to run scared from, I remain with you.

You’re more than my counterpart; you are proof that God does answers prayers.




Jessica Niziolek
Coffee House Writers

Disability advocate, a creative, blogger, podcast host, poet