Dear God (danny’s favorite song)

Jasmine John
Coffee House Writers
1 min readMar 12, 2018
Buddy Christ

I really fucking hope there’s a heaven
and by the gates

are all the students I’ve had to bury
from a fate they couldn’t escape
caught up in a sickening cyclical
where dealers make more than mom
doing double shifts

I really fucking hope there’s a heaven
and by the gates

are all the children who have been shot down
because Rick Scott masticates
around the idea of control of weapons
to appease the orange man and his monkeys

I really fucking hope there’s a heaven
and by the gates

are all the parents who have fought for their
children — have been irate at the thought of being controlled by hate

I really fucking hope there’s a heaven
and by the gates

are rainbows lined with all the animals
who were locked behind a crate
never tasting freedom
because of humanity quest for immortality
at the sacrifice of the voiceless

I really fucking hope there’s a heaven
and by the gates

Martin Luther King Jr
John Lennon
Mahatma Gandi
Tupac Shakur
Abraham Lincoln
The Notorious B.I.G.
Malcom X
Indira Gandhi
Benazir Bhutto
Harvey Milk
Sitting Bull
Razia Sultana
Anne Frank
Gauri Lankesh

And you…if you choose

To really fucking hope there’s a heaven too

