Dear Michelle: Don’t Put Words In My Mouth

Lisa Post
Coffee House Writers
3 min readOct 9, 2017
Photo courtesy of Elliot Stallion

In a recent speech by former FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, she stated that women who voted for President Trump voted against their own interests. Her exact words in the speech were, “Anyone who voted against Hilary Clinton voted against their own voice.”

Excuse me?

Michelle Obama also indicated that any woman who voted for President Trump was just going with the pack. Yet in the same speech, she admonished that women should have voted for Clinton because of the shared sex. Makes me wonder if Ms. Obama ever really proofreads her speeches for inconsistencies and contradictions.

Where does one even begin when faced with such ignorance at such a high level? I wish I could tell Michelle Obama precisely what her words have stirred up in this voting American’s heart. If I could I would tell her something along the lines of the following:

First of all, don’t speak for me, Ms. Obama. Or can I call you Michelle? How about Chelley, or Mich? Since you claim to know all about my thought process during the election, we must be on a first-name basis.

If you knew anything about the average American woman, you would know that we work hard, are strong, and can make up our own minds. As for me personally, you don’t know squat. For your information, I don’t base my decision when voting on sex or race. I base my decision on what the candidate can do for the greater good of our country, how they treat our veterans, and how they treat the “little guy.”

So, thank you for trying to set women’s rights back by decades, and confirming a stereotype that women can’t think logically enough to vote their own minds. I did not vote for Hilary because I don’t agree with her socialistic philosophy’s, which is why, incidentally, I never voted for President Trump’s predecessor. Oh yeah, then there is the fact she is a traitor and should be in jail. So yeah, I’ll pass on Hilary as President, thank you very much. Hilary Clinton is NOT my voice, and I would never want her to be.

And neither are you.

Don’t put words in women’s mouths because your favorite in the election didn’t win. In my opinion, this is just another toddler-type foot stomping because the Democrats’ candidate didn’t win. Hilary Clinton lost, fair and square to the better man. President Trump isn’t perfect. No one is. But surely it must say something to you that millions of women chose him over Hilary. Are you saying that millions of women in America don’t know their own voices? Wow! Now that is arrogant ignorance.

While I uphold the right to express your opinions, keep in mind that you are only entitled to your own opinion. You may not presume to know mine or try to convince me that I don’t know my personal preferences or own my voice.

In other words, Michelle, don’t put your words in my mouth. Hilary lost. Put your big girl pants on and deal with it in an emotionally mature manner.

That is my voice.



Lisa Post
Coffee House Writers

Writer, student, teacher, mom, wife… you name it I probably wear the hat. Avid reader and writer, and lover of people watching, finding humor in everyday life.