Death Called On Me Today

JL Willing
Coffee House Writers
2 min readApr 30, 2018
Photo by Christopher Campbell via Unsplash, modified by JL Willing


Death called on me today.

But it was not my time to go.

He appeared as rushing water

drowned the screeching of my tears.

The release of stitched up screams,

escape of vacant cries.

He watched the levee break as

deafened bellows flooded by.

Death called on me today.

But would not take me down below.

Instead, he smiled at me, hood cocked to the side,

I think I saw a shimmer in an eye of murky light.

His wicked scythe forsaken,

laying on the clean, tiled floor,

stark coal and silver gleaming

in the wastes of things before.

Death called on me today.

But he has never been my foe.

Cloaked feet sunk into water,

Draped arms reached towards my own.

Fate pulled me from the depths

and cradled me against his bones.

Death called on me today.

But would not leave me in my woe.

He gifted me with respite,

that empty, sacred bliss.

He pressed my head into the shelter

of his sweetened deep abyss.

Death called on me today.

All too soon he had to go.

He set my body down,

held my hand and kissed my cheek.

Then waited til a puddle

of yesterday’s regrets pooled at my feet.

Death called on me today.

Tomorrow, he may come again.

When will my sickened soul cry out

for her dark, eternal friend?



JL Willing
Coffee House Writers

Writer. Poet. Mom. Mythological nerd and enthusiast slowly corrupting the brains of humanity. WARNING: She will corrupt yours too.