Facts About Me Using The Alphabet

Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers
3 min readJun 25, 2019

Now that I have a lot more followers for Coffee House Writers through Medium, I think it’s time all of you get to know me a little more, don’t you think?

Most people just write little blurbs when they write down facts about themselves. The way I’m going to do it is a little different and fun. I’m going to use the alphabet to tell you more about myself.

It’ll be challenging, but I’m always up for any challenge.

Here it goes……

A- Always there for others no matter what, even if I have my own issues to deal with.

B- Bold and tells it like it is. I don’t play around.

C- Caring. I always put others before myself with no questions asked. I don’t care if I’m mad or angry with you.

D- Different- when you meet me in person, you’ll realize I’m a little different physically. I hope you’ll look past all of that and accept me for who I am.

E- Exciting- I can always try to make anything or any situation exciting, even if it’s a tough or difficult one.

F- Fun and funny- I know how to have fun when I’m around the best people. I also have a big sense of humor and can make you laugh anytime or any day.

G- Go getter - when I want something, I want it and will fight with everything I’ve got to get the thing or things I want.

H- Helpful- I love and enjoy helping people with anything they may need.

I- Inquire- when I have questions about something, I ask and don’t hold back. I may get a little shy asking certain things, but I still ask.

J- Joyful- I always try to bring joy to people, even in the hardest times.

K- Kind- every day I spread kindness. You know why? Because that’s what our world needs, more kindness

L- Lovable- I love hugs, good compliments, and working with good people. That’s what makes me lovable.

M- Mindful- I’m always mindful when someone is either hurt or not having a good day. Instead of leaving them hanging, I try to help in any way I can.

N- Nerd- I am a nerd sometimes, I’ll admit it. I can get super funny when I’m around people I trust. I guess that’s part of my humor.

O- Open- if I trust you, I’ll be open with you. If I don’t trust you, I won’t be open until I’m really sure I can trust you……. period.

P- Positive- Always be positive just like me. If we could all be like this, the world would be so much better.

Q- Quiz full- I love a good challenging quiz. If you want to quiz me, bring it on!

R- Respectful-if you respect me, I’ll respect you. If you choose not to respect me, get out! Simple.

S- Silly- if anybody knows me, they know I can be super silly.

T- Twisted- because I have anxiety, certain things can sometimes get twisted in my brain if you present it to me the wrong way.

U- Unique- even though I ‘m a little different, I am unique in a lot of ways.

V- Verbal- People used to believe I never talked…. Wrong! Now I’m very verbal.

W- Weird — I can be a weird, especially when it comes to food and other things……hey, don’t judge me!

X- Extreme- I take some things to the extreme most times, but that’s ok.

Y- Young- I’m young……nobody believes I’ll be 21 in a few months

Z- I zoom around everywhere- besides using a walker, I have a fully motorized wheelchair that I use too. It goes fast enough where it feels like I’m sweeping the floor.

Well, there you have it, all the facts about me using every letter of the alphabet. If anyone wants to try this, feel free.

Good luck and happy thinking, Get that brain of yours going!

Photo by: Wokandapix on Pixabay



Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers

A young writer who strives to spread her positive and inspiring message one story at a time.