Jessica Niziolek
Coffee House Writers
1 min readDec 10, 2018


Photo via Unsplash


Why do I give my love to you?
Because the future is not guaranteed to anyone.
Especially where love is concerned.

If you can’t protect your lover’s back from the arrows and thorns, then make damn sure you strike the monster of fear that always accompanies the drum in your lover’s ear, haunting him, and keeping them up at night.
Prove that monster wrong.
Your lover’s heart won’t be lonely I promise you.
Love when it’s true never leaves you lonely or fearful.
This is why give love to you; to show you the courage you have inside you.
Buried by the little boy always caught in the middle.

Why do I give my love to you?
Because when my very own master showed up and surrounded me in complete darkness.
You pulled me from its grasp, back into the light, keeping my faith intact.
Why do I give my love to you?
Because when we look at each other there isn’t an illusionist at work.

You and I are two mosaic souls, both built from imperfect pieces that fit perfectly when we’re put together as one.
For this reason alone, is why I give you my love so freely.



Jessica Niziolek
Coffee House Writers

Disability advocate, a creative, blogger, podcast host, poet