Her Story

Aylin Cedillo
Coffee House Writers
1 min readJan 29, 2018
Photo Courtsey by Vlad Tchompalov on “Unsplash”

But I didn’t cry

I refused to cry

when I listen to

the story

of a million objections

thousands of no’s

that were lost in lustful

battles to get her damn

jeans off

I refused to cry

when her fear

spiked in the pit

of her stomach

when a man called out

his intentions at her

of “baby come here”

I didn't cry when

she had to hold

onto her life

with the handle

of a small knife

hidden in her jacket

as she walked down

the shadowy side of town

hoping and praying

she didn’t have to use it

Or the fact that

her brother begged

her to buy pepper spray

not knowing it

was too late

because she trusted

her friend

I cried when

I went to bed

to scream into a pillow

because the thousand of stories

she tells

is my story

And I did cry

I refuse

to lay down

quiet my voice

and most importantly

of all

watch her

story repeat


