Herstory (Just a small town girl)

Jasmine John
Coffee House Writers
2 min readJul 23, 2019
Small House

It was a long time ago, in a small town
Terrible trouble she was, he always said,
Everyone thought everything was perfect
But something was stirring inside the homestead
A wicked boy and the smartest girl who was destined to
Die all alone, in her own bed.

She tried to clean up all the time, all his messes
Terrible nuisance she was, he always said
She went out alone at night to find his sobriety had flight
He grabbed her and boxed her ears until they bled
He slid in her fluid, she mopped up the rest and
She cried all alone, in her own bed.

The next day, before the sun rose she looked at someone else in the mirror
Terrible headache she had and crusted blood on her blonde head
She took the modafinil pills and said hold onto your wits
Her brain was still intact and had function to spare, so get up
And she sat upright, in her own bed.

Took her time in the shower, a bit hotter than normal
Terrible insect he was she smirked and said
Shampoo smelled like lavender, conditioner like rain
Made her think of her grandmother’s cornbread
as they ate and sat on her porch drinking sweet tea
She shook off the memory and pulled out the .45 under her own bed.

Towel wrapped around her wet hair
Terrible problem she had to herself said
Cheeks flushed from hot water and awakening
She stood up and said, oh the lust I have to spread
And headed to the kitchen to finish her sad story
Which was in the room next to her own bed.

Pulling her robe tightly around her waist, because she was in control
Terrible issue he was, as he looked up from the Times she said
He gasped when he saw her confidence, her beauty, and her gun
She gave him her all, her spirit her soul, her mind and her time and now
gave him two large holes in his dense fucking head.
She glided in his fluid, skating on freedom and blood
Then cleaned up his last mess, and danced for once instead

She threw off the robe and threw out the towel
And remembered Terrible bother about her he always said,
Now she couldn’t hear him the silencer silenced him and she
wondered where assholes went after they were killed
She heard the squeak of her floor which filled her with dread
But then she laughed because she’s the one who murdered the monster and then sighed
And slept peaceful, safe and happy — all alone, in her own bed.

