I Am Jules: Get To Know Me

Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers
3 min readJan 29, 2018

I am Jules.

An ordinary 19-year-old who everyone says has a gift for writing.

I am Jules.

A young woman fresh out of high school. Learning the hurdles, bumps, stresses, obstacles, and ways of adulthood.

I am Jules.

Someone who started college in September. A girl whose independence, self-advocacy and time management is being tested in more ways than one.

I am Jules.

Someone who is a very punctual and motivated hard worker. If she says, “Oh, I’ll have this done by tonight.” Even though the real deadline was yesterday, she’ll have it done, no questions asked. Because yes, she is one of those girls that hates being late anywhere or for anything.

I am Jules.

Someone who is always there for friends and writing co-workers whenever they may need her. She doesn’t care if she has her own problems or things going on in her own life-she will be there, no matter what. No hesitation.

I am Jules.

A girl who lives with a mental illness every day. The illness she lives with is anxiety. There was a time. Her anxiety, so bad, she checked herself into treatment to get better.

I am Jules.

A young woman who has her flaws and good and bad days. Am I perfect? Nope! Nobody’s perfect. We don’t live in a world where everyone’s perfect. If we did, then how would we be able to work on ourselves to become better versions of who we want to be?

I am Jules.

When you saw my face on the video screen the other night, you saw I was sitting in a chair. I have a question for you…. what came or went through your looking at me? Was it “Oh she looks like a normal person in every way?” Or something else? Well, I’ll tell you now, in a physical way, I’m different than the rest of you. You see, I have a disability that affects me physically. It’s called Cerebral Palsy. Despite its everyday struggles and challenges……I do not let it define me!

I am Jules.

Someone who wants to be accepted for who she is as a person. Someone who wants to be appreciated for everything she constantly does for everyone, day in and day out. Jules is one of those young ones who has been bullied, harassed and has had her kindness and love for others thrown around by selfish and needy people. She also, because of all these issues now, struggles to trust and give her kindness, love, and heart to people. It has now come to a point where she can’t trust random people. Only those people who truly want and appreciates what she has to offer.

I am Jules.

A young writer who has only been a published writer for only a year. A writer, who this year, is truly serious about growing. A writer who wants to get out of her comfort box.

I am Jules.

I’m the young women who wants to be comfy in her own skin, no matter what.

This is Jules.

My name is Juliana Ruggiero……and this is the beginning of my adventure with the Coffee House Writers Team!

Photo By: Diana Ruggiero



Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers

A young writer who strives to spread her positive and inspiring message one story at a time.