If I Could Rid The World Of One Thing, It Would Be Child Molesters

Josephine Green
Coffee House Writers
2 min readJan 29, 2018

Last summer, the worst possible thing happened to me. I awakened from a nightmare. It was a hazy memory type of dream. I wasn’t sure if it was a memory or a dream at first until the memories flooded back, later that day. A family member had molested me. At first, I pushed it deep down refusing to believe it, not because this family was upstanding or decent, quite the opposite. He was a scumbag. But, I couldn’t deal with it. I cried a lot in the quiet darkness of my bedroom, alone, scared, not wanting anyone to find out.

Finally, I told my therapist. Slowly, I talked about it in group therapy. Eventually, I told my parents, who were justifiably upset, angry, and blaming themselves.

The memories are still hazy and dreamlike, and I still don’t have all the pieces yet, which is frustrating for me. I still cry a lot. It affects my relationship with my boyfriend.

I can’t help but hate the man who molested me. I never wished death on anyone until now. I’m not sure if it makes me a terrible person or not. But he stole something from me I can never get back, my innocence… not to mention screwed up relationships with men.

I’m so sorry I didn’t tell someone when I was younger, I buried it instead. No child should ever have to go through what I went through. It’s unthinkable. I hope I never have to see this family member again.

If I could rid the world of one thing, it would be child molesters. There’s nothing on Earth worse than them. I will spend the rest of my life getting over what this man did to me.

One summer long ago an innocence was lost…

Photo by Yousef Espanioly on Unsplash



Josephine Green
Coffee House Writers

I live in New Jersey, in the northeastern part of the state. I have a cat named Daenerys. I don’t have any children and am unmarried but do have a boyfriend.