If You Think You’re The Only One With A Divided Family, You’re Not The Only One

Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers
3 min readFeb 11, 2019

Most of the time, some of us think were the only ones that have messed up families. Well that’s not true. Every one of us does, it’s a sad but true thing to say the least. It’s so sad when a family member stops talking to each other over something ridiculous and stupid. When this happens everyone suffers.

For a while, I thought I was the only one who had a family that’s divided, but I listened to something this morning that made me realize I’m not the only one.

This morning on the way to school, I listened to my van driver have an argumentative conversation with his family member on the phone. My heart went out to him while he was talking. He sounded like he was getting more and more upset and angry the more he talked. I have that kind of family just like he does. One side talks to us and the other doesn’t. There is also so much tension on the non-talking side and my mom and I suffer because of it.

Family is everything. They help you through the rough, good, sad, and ugly times. If your mad or upset at anyone in your family, don’t isolate yourself from them, talk to them and work things out. If you love someone say it, don’t wait until it’s too late. You never know when a person’s last day on Earth will be.

You know what’s really disgusting to me though? When the people on the tension side of the family don’t show up for x amount of years you get used to life without them after a while. They only show up when there’s a death. And they expect you to take them back into your life like nothing ever happened. Like they didn’t hurt or destroy you in they past. These type of people think when they come up to try and hug you that you will melt into their arms crying like, “I need you. I need you.”

But when you look them in the face and ask why they’re here they get mad at you for saying that but you as the strong and better person don’t care or give a crap. I had this happened to me the day my Dad passed and ooooh let me tell you, I wanted to flip my lid on these two people that showed up uninvited to my aunt’s house while we had a get together after my Dad passed. Good thing one of my friends was there, she took my hand and had me take deep breaths.

It’s also sad when they ask about your writing, life, and what your doing now. When you haven’t talked to them in two years and don’t plan on talking to them ever again because of all the pain and torment they put you through during the 17 years of your life.

Your writing comes up and you ignore the statement because you know your life and what your doing with it now is none of their business. It’s just acting on jealousy because they are jealous of your life, you try so hard to bite your tongue and not say,” Keep hating on my life you low life jerks, cause it’s only gonna get better.” You don’t say this due to people being around.

Their way of thinking is also messed up. These people think that sitting around doing drugs and not working a decent paying job is going to get you a good life. Nope! You see, it’s this thing called working hard that gets you the life you want. If you choose drugs over your family and the best life possible…….You. Are. Disgusting! You know what they say peeps, haters gonna hate! Guess what, these two people can hate on my life all they want. I worked hard and fought hard for this life I have and to get to where I am today!

Readers, keep the real family members close and cut the bad ones out. Hug the ones you love and hold them tight. The last day on Earth for loved ones can happen at any point in time. Live everyday to it’s full potential.

Photo By sasint on Pixabay



Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers

A young writer who strives to spread her positive and inspiring message one story at a time.