Maria’s Song

Sylvia Stein
Coffee House Writers
3 min readOct 2, 2017

Chapter 6 Tensions Rise

Photo credit: Liv Bruce

Deena Grayson stepped up to the door of her sister Mildred’s house. Her hands were shaking as she rang the doorbell.

I wonder if Maria will be the one to open the door? What will I say to her?

She was so distracted by her thoughts she did not notice Mildred standing outside the door.

“D-e-e-Na is that you?”

Deena stared at her sister with a faint smile.

“Yes, it’s me, Millie.”

Mildred took a moment before raising the tone of her voice.

“Are you out of your mind?” she asked while crossing her arms together.

“No, Why?”

“Come on Deena you know why?”

“I do, but I want to hear you say it!” yelled Deena.

Mildred stepped forward and looked all around her.

“Deena, you can’t be here!”

“No, I am not leaving!”

“Deena, the court decided, and I have custody of the kids.”

“ You are not their mom Mildred!”

Mildred tried to calm Deena.

“Look, Deena, the kids are doing great I don’t think they need for you to come and complicate things for them.”

“Complicate things?”

“Come on Deena, you have put them through so much, and they are finally getting stability.”

“Well, not for long!”

“What are you saying, Deena?”

“Look, Mildred, I will have you know I contacted a lawyer, and due to my recovery I can fight you in court for my kids.”

At this point, Mildred began to pace back and forth, and she began to lose color on her face.

“You, can’t-do this Deena!”

“Do what?”

“You know what!”

Then Deena gave her a smirk.

“You mean the same thing you are doing to me!”

“ Deena you have hurt these kids so much!”

Deena glared at Mildred.

“It is just like you to judge me isn’t it dear sister?”

“I am not judging you I am just telling you the facts!”

“Look Mildred you are not their mother. I am!”

“Look, Deena, you need to go I do not want the kids to see you!”

“Okay, I will go for now. But just know I am here to stay. I will be going to my lawyer’s office, and I will see you in court very soon!”

Mildred stared at Deena.

“Deena please don’t do this!”

“Do what? Fight for what is mine!”

Then Deena walked away.

Toby and Maria are my children, and they will be with me.

Meanwhile, Mildred went inside and sat on the couch for a brief moment and then began to sob uncontrollably. She began to dial the phone.

“Bob, you need to come home now. Deena was here.”

Lord, please help us.

Outside in a diner, Deena sat down to drink herself a cup of coffee.

As she sat, she stared at a picture of Toby and Maria.

“I will get you back,” she whispered.



Sylvia Stein
Coffee House Writers

Author Sylvia Stein has a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing and English and has published three books. She loves writing it is her passion.