Maria’s song Chapter 2

Sylvia Stein
Coffee House Writers
4 min readJun 26, 2017

Chapter 2

Present Day

As Maria stepped up to the front of her church. Her eyes became watery, and she was just as nervous as ever. Maria tried not to overthink too much. She just wanted to do her best. Standing tall and looking into the large crowd that Sunday Morning in April she began to sing.

“Oh Lord I know you are always beside me,

I know the road may not always be easy.

Oh, Lord, I know you are always beside me,

And I know because you called my name.”

After a few minutes, Maria noticed from the corner of her eyes that everyone was looking at her. The audience was so captivated by her song.

“ You are my salvation and you lead the way when I feel weak!

Lord, you are right beside me and I know you called my name.”

She closed her eyes and then waited a moment before opening them. Immediately the sound of the roaring applause brought her back. Maria opened her eyes and could not stop smiling while trying to contain her tears.

“Bravo Maria,” called her younger brother Toby.

“Yes Maria, yelled her Aunt Mildred and Uncle Bob.”

“Wow Maria that was absolutely beautiful,” echoed Father Myles.

“Thank you, everyone.” Then she walked back to sit with her family.

Immediately, Father Myles began his sermon and as he talked about God’s gift for all of us and His purpose Maria was filled with the sole purpose of the message.

It was so clear to her and there was nothing that made Maria so happy as she was in His presence. After all the broken promises and pain that both her brother Toby and Maria had been through. Being able to sing out her love for God and his amazing grace is all Maria wanted and this was so clear and there was nothing complicated about it.

Once the mass came to a close and the entire choir sang the last song. Maria was back on to join them in their praises. This had been a great day. As she walked out the door with her Aunt and Uncle and brother Maria felt so complete and at her 16 years of age she had never felt that calmness in a very long time. It was all about letting the past and her dark days go. Maria had finally conquered it and she was ready for what came next. Little did she know that her past was coming back and it was not as simple as she imagined. But for now, things seemed to remain at bay.

The dream began the same way it had when Maria was a young girl. There were sirens, screaming and then she heard Toby crying in the background. After all, he was only 2 years old.

It was hard to understand why the cops were at her house again. Maria knew it all too well. Her mother, Deena was back on drugs and hitting one of her many boyfriends. Deena was never in a good place. She was addicted to heroin and the only times Deena had stopped was when she was pregnant with her and Toby.

Nothing made sense with her mother, Deena. As much as Maria tried to believe she could change it was just something she could not do. It was all lies. Deena could not keep a promise. No matter how much she made herself think it. It was not in her nature. Maria was lucky she had her Aunt Mildred and Uncle Bob who never had children of their own caring for them each time Deena ran into trouble.

It was harrowing for Mildred who so wanted children and was told she would never have any due to the young diagnosis of cervical cancer she experienced in her early 20’s. Mildred made peace with it all but from time to time the pain of her not being able to have her own children did bring tears. Her only comfort was being able to be a mother to her beautiful niece Maria and her nephew Tobias.

Maria could not understand why the dream was so vivid. As she gasped for air. She began to relive many of the many nights Deena was too high on drugs to care for her and Toby.

“Mama, please you can’t leave us alone.”

“Shhh do not worry Maria, I am just going to run an errand Sweety!” her mom echoed while high.

“Mama, I am begging you,” Maria pleaded once again.

“Come on Maria, stop being a baby okay!” screamed her very agitated mother.

Then she threw a vase across the room which almost hit Maria.

“Mama, Mama,” cried Toby.

“See what you have done now!”

“I’m sorry Mama!” cried Maria.

Suddenly Maria jolted from her bed. She noticed she was covered in sweat.

“Oh goodness, thank God it was only a dream.”

The noise from her bed caused her Aunt Mildred to come and check on her.

“Maria, are you okay dear?”

“No, Aunt Millie, I had another nightmare!” cried Maria.

“Oh sweetie.”

Her Aunt walked toward her then embraced her.

“Why am I still having these dreams, Aunt Mildred?”

“It is all going to be okay Maria I promise you.”

Lord, please allow Maria to have some peace from all of these nightmares which seemed to be consuming her.

Mildred knew how her sister Deena had put Maria and Toby through so much and was trying to give them the normalcy they needed.

It was bad enough Toby awoke crying most of the nights. Now Maria was dealing with it too.

Lord, please help me not to think the worst of my sister.

Help us!

Once Maria fell asleep Mildred went to check up on Toby.

Just as she thought he was back in her bed and sleeping next to Bob.

Mildred smiled and went back to bed. photo credit



Sylvia Stein
Coffee House Writers

Author Sylvia Stein has a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing and English and has published three books. She loves writing it is her passion.