No, I Am Not Ashamed Of Having To Use Adult Pull-Ups

Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers
3 min readJul 8, 2019

I just traveled on an airplane for the first time since I was 7 years old. It was a lot of work and very tiring with transferring on and off the planes. Four, to be exact. In the end, though, it was so worth it.

Everything went very smooth. Not one issue or problem, besides having to wake up super early the day of our trip so we could be at the airport on time for our flight. I was given special assistance. That means that flight attendants and airport workers come to help me get on and off each plane. One couldn’t have been nicer than the next.

There are two bad things about traveling and airplanes when you have a disability. One, your body can take a huge beating between having to get up early and all the transferring that needs to be done and two, you’ll need to limit your intake of liquids because, well, you can’t really use the bathroom on the plane.

My body sure did take a beating when we came home. When we got back Tuesday night, I was tired and super thirsty. I was okay enough to stay up later and eat a very late dinner. Wednesday morning, however, my eyes felt super heavy and my body felt like someone sat on it or stacked bricks on top of me while I was sleeping. It was kind of unusual to me because it wasn’t that I was up all night and didn’t sleep at all. I guess it was all from being jet lagged.

I also had to be extremely careful with my liquid intake while traveling too. The bathroom isn’t right where you’re sitting on the airplane. You’d think it would be, right? Nope. Instead, it’s in the back. We’re talking if you’re sitting up in front, you have to walk in the back where the exit door is. I can’t do that. So, what did I use instead in case I really had to go? Adult pull-ups.

Most people may think this is not normal because I’m 20 and should be completely off pull-ups, period. Well, it is normal, people. Because either I hold my bladder until we land, which is not good. Or, I risk falling or even hurting myself from trying to walk to the back. Oh, and I forgot to mention the airplane bathroom is small as heck. In fact, it’s so small, airports call it a laboratory instead of a regular bathroom. What’s that tell you?

I use the adult pull-ups for this purpose and certain others as well. Even though I am 20, let me say I’m not ashamed to have to use them if I need to.

So, the next time you start to open your mouth to say something about me using the adult pull-ups, think before you speak or be quiet and mind your business. Simple as that.

You know what they say, “ if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all.”

Photo By: Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash



Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers

A young writer who strives to spread her positive and inspiring message one story at a time.