
Carissa Laryea
Coffee House Writers
2 min readAug 7, 2017

A Story of love, loss, and life altering decisions.

Photo by Siddharth Bhogra on Unsplash

Chapter One: The Setting

In a dark, desolate corner of her empty house, Liz rests uneasily on her more than worn couch. Her brown hair is long and disheveled, showing evidence of days without a shower. Her elbow, frail like the rest of her malnourished body and wounded spirit, sits propped on the back of the couch-cigarette in hand. Smoking is a new, bad habit of hers to help pass the time.

Her eyes are lifeless as she stares out the living room window, panes that were once white now chipping with yellow paint. The glass is smudged with dirty fingerprints of the children- Liz’s children- who once filled the home with life and laughter. It was the only evidence left of their past presence. Staring at those fingerprints is the only thing that gets her out of bed now.

Joy is a thing of the past, an emotion long forgotten by Liz. These days, she feels next to nothing, in a constant state of numbness and shock. The signs of self-neglect are visibly evident, from her sunken cheeks to her exposed chest bones. This is something only noticed by those who see Liz because she doesn’t look at herself anymore.

She’s a poor sight for anyone’s eyes. Her abysmal appearance and stoic positing on the couch is becoming too heart breaking for loved ones to witness. Liz continuously refuses to get help, for many reasons that have yet to be explained by her. Family visits less frequently, friends are long gone, alone in the world is what she is and feels it’s what she deserves.

Help isn’t what Liz wants, she wants her life back. But that’s impossible. One night and one big mistake changed the course of her life forever.



Carissa Laryea
Coffee House Writers

Debut author, wife, mommy to three, editor, freelance, equality advocate, SNHU, ME, NYC. Flying by the seat of my pants with no looking back; whiplash hurts.