Pandora’s Box, Yes, Please!

Josephine Green
Coffee House Writers
2 min readAug 19, 2019

I believe I’ve mentioned the story of Pandora’s Box before. Well, sometimes I wish the last creature had escaped so man could hear every little disappointment that would befall him. I know that sounds depressing. But I can’t keep getting hopeful about my life and then dealing with the constant let downs. I would just rather know that I’ll never make it as a writer, or get married, or have kids, or get that house. It’s depressing never knowing.

It’s not that I don’t want those things to happen, it would be wonderful if they would, but they haven’t. And it’s heartbreaking waiting and getting hopeful only to be let down once again. It reminds of another story of someone in hell who was given a burning thirst, and every time he put his hands to get water and then put the water to his lips the water disappeared. That’s what this feels like. I’m being teased. Just as I think I’m going to get what I want; it’s snatched away, it’s depressing.

If I simply knew I would never get these things I could simply stop trying and enjoy my mediocre life. I wouldn’t have to worry about all the things I would be missing out on. Because there was never a chance, I was ever going to get them anyway. It would bring a certain peace to my life. I wouldn’t be filled with such anxiety.

There is a downside though, I would feel a sense of hopelessness as well. And I would feel depressed at knowing I wouldn’t get any of my dreams fulfilled. But in some odd way, I would still prefer it to not knowing. I just can’t stand the whirlwind of maybes. It drives me crazy. Pandora’s Box, yes please!

Photo by Lena De Fanti on Unsplash



Josephine Green
Coffee House Writers

I live in New Jersey, in the northeastern part of the state. I have a cat named Daenerys. I don’t have any children and am unmarried but do have a boyfriend.