Reflections And Realizations

Molly Spence
Coffee House Writers
2 min readApr 15, 2019
Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

I unleash this piece as a piece of my soul; I forfeited my usual rough draft routine for more personable words; a sliver of pure humility and reflection.

I recently celebrated my twenty-seventh birthday; it was a wonderful day filled with countless birthday wishes and a much-wanted mother-daughter day of fun. Twenty-seven was an interesting milestone for me as I came to notice a more appreciative heart within myself. I have always lived life selfishly, and I’m still battling that internal flaw. However, I am making progress along my life’s journey.

I am proud of the ambition I have always exuded; the determination I have surprises me during the hardest of times. I am a human who doesn’t enjoy being told what to do, but I am finding out that the Lord’s guidance is essential.

Another aspect of myself that I hope to change is the compartment in which I place my confidence and faith. I consistently search in the wrong directions and react immaturely to most every situation; in hindsight, I always see the solution clearly, and that is unfortunate.

The self cannot rely on other people to define them or solidify their emotional standing; in all my years of life, I still have not grasped that concept. I know who can make me better. I love Jesus. I never seem to use the correct logical thinking patterns. I’m honest. I don’t pray enough. I’m too self-focused. That is the human in me.

I think everyone could benefit from taking a step back to see where their life is stationed at the moment, take inventory, and reflect on what areas could or should be stronger.

Be more active. Clean your house. Read a book. Write more stories. Cook delicious dinners. Spend time with your loved ones. Don’t take life for granted. Don’t whine and complain about minuscule nothings when you are truly blessed beyond measure knowing you don’t deserve it. Focus on other souls and not yourself.

The best reflection is seeing yourself for who you truly are and knowing you want to change and be a better Christian example in the world. The best realization is to know Jesus still loves you and can help you overcome even the deepest flaws.

Thank you, Jesus, for the twenty-seven years I’ve had so far; it has been a journey, and I’m so glad You are driving and riding with me. I am immensely thankful.



Molly Spence
Coffee House Writers

31 year old writer & blogger from Scott Depot, West Virginia. /