Saving Money: Helpful Tips For Parents And Adults

Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers
5 min readApr 9, 2018

Are you one of those people who considers yourself a “money freak?” Are you one of those people who obsesses over saving money? Are you trying to learn how to save money but don’t know how? Are you tired of spending money on things like clothes you won’t wear and $200 worth of food you will waste? Well, you’ve come to the right place, this article will give you tips for saving your money,

Saving money is the hardest thing we will need to learn to do in life. It’s hard for everyone. But, out of all the people, it’s hard for parents with young children because they will want to spend all their money on them to giving them the best memories possible, don’t you agree?

Don’t spend all your money on keeping them busy. To be honest, it doesn’t take much to entertain a young child, you may think so, but it doesn’t. Sometimes, just giving them a ball and letting them go outside and play catch is entertaining for them. They won’t care what you do to entertain them as long as it’s fun.

Here are a few other things you can do with your young ones to save money:

1. Gifts

Instead of taking your children out every holiday to buy gifts for family members, make homemade ones. Now, who doesn’t love gifts that are homemade? I don’t know about you, but I think handmade gifts are the best kinds of gifts. It’ll make your day to see a family members reaction to receiving a homemade gift made by your child. It will also make the child feel good that they made the gift by themselves and the person who received it, loves it.

2. Spend a day at the park

Now, do you want to spend a beautiful sunny day stuck in the house with your children? If not, take them to a park. It’s an excellent place for them to play, interact with other children, and burn off extra energy they may have. It’s also an excellent time for you to kick back, watch your kids have fun and enjoy the day.

3. Look for free activities

Look for every free activity you can find where you don’t have to pay a dollar. Whether it’s something going on at the museum, or your town’s event, your kids will like to go. The good news is, you won’t have to pay one dollar, and who doesn’t love free stuff?

Parents, put all that hard-earned money away and save it to take your children on a family vacation. Believe me, saving for that is way better than trying to entertain them on the big things. You now know it’s cheaper to do some of the listed things above and save for that family vacation instead.

We adults also struggle to save money. Are you one of those guilty adults? I’ll admit I’m not a big spender at all. Unless I see something I REALLY want in a store, then I’ll treat myself to it. Other than that, I’m not a big spender. Growing up, I was never one of those spoiled brats who, every time my parents and I went into a store and would pass by something, I wouldn’t say “I want this.” Or “I want that.” Nope. When we go into any store now, my mom always tells me, “Let me know if you see anything you want, and I’ll buy it for you.” But my answer to that even before we walk around is always, “I’m good.” I hardly ever buy anything for myself. Occasionally, but barely ever.

For those adults out there, who are struggling to save money, here’s what you can do:

1. Shopping

When you go food shopping, don’t walk in and buy everything you see. If you know you need to go food shopping, don’t buy everything you see. Why??? Because if you do this, you’ll end up walking out with $200 worth of food you don’t need and that you know you will waste. Make a list! Lists help you know what you absolutely need so you don’t end up walking out with $200 worth of food. You wouldn’t want to west all that food, now would you?

2. Eat a home cooked meal instead of going out to eat.

Many of us, after a long day of work, are too tired to cook when we get home. So, what do we do instead? We go out to eat, because we know we won’t have to cook, clean or prep anything. I would suggest not doing it every week if your someone who does- it can get expensive. To save, eat a home cooked meal instead! You can make it in the comfort of your own home and won’t spend a thing it’s a lot of work I know, but it’s much better and cheaper. You can go out to eat occasionally, but not every single day of the week.

3. Sell things you don’t need instead of getting rid of them.

Most of us tend to toss things we don’t need, don’t want, or doesn’t fit anymore, right? Well, don’t do that! Sell it! You never know, someone may need what you don’t need anymore. It is one way you can make money. You may help someone in need who can’t afford much. So, don’t toss your things. Sell them!

Adults, I hope you now know some easier ways to help get you started on saving money. I know it’s hard, but by using these tips and as time goes on, it will be so much easier to save all that hard-earned money you worked so hard for.

To all those “money freaks” out there, parents with young children and adults aren’t the only ones who will benefit from these tips, so will you! Like I said earlier, saving money will be the hardest thing we will ever have to do in life, but by using these tips and keeping ourselves on track and motivated, I know we can do it! So, next time you want to spend big money on something you really don’t need, remind yourself to save, save, save!

Photo by: pina messina on usplash



Juliana Ruggiero
Coffee House Writers

A young writer who strives to spread her positive and inspiring message one story at a time.