Shifting Chapter 8

Janeen G.
Coffee House Writers
2 min readSep 3, 2018


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

The spider-like creature slithered and crawled its way towards the scared adults. It moved so quickly, it looked like it was gliding. Seth grabbed the first object that came to his view and tried to hit the monster, but it was too fast for his swing.

Instead of attacking Dan, who was sitting on the floor in full terror, the creature stopped in its tracks. This abrupt action caused Seth to take his long and heavy object that was embedded into his hands and swiftly brought the blunt object down onto the creature.

Black ooze spread across the floor and the spider-like monster’s limbs were shattered to pieces. Dan couldn’t believe what just happened. The monster did not attack him. It just stood there. Why did it do that?

“You guys okay?” Seth asked, out of breath. Holly looked around the cold, dimly lit room. “Yeah, I’m okay” she finally answered. Just as Holly looked around the room, she glanced at Dan and realized something was wrong. When she looked at his arm, it looked infected with black inky veins and red deep boil scars.

“Oh my god, Dan! You okay?” Holly asked getting closer to her friend. Dan was confused, but once he saw where she was looking, he looked down at his arm too.

“The fuck…” Dan quietly muttered, but a sharp, unbearable in his arm took the wind out of him. Dan howled in agony as his arm started to twist and crack.



Janeen G.
Coffee House Writers

Feel and Follow the Words From The Author and Poet of Janeen G. 🌹✨🌹 Author | Writer | Poet | Blogger