The Dangers Of Smartphones

Molly Spence
Coffee House Writers
3 min readApr 29, 2019
Photo by from Pexels

“If you’d put that phone down, you’d get something accomplished.”

“Put the phone up!”

“You and that phone.”

I can’t say for certain how many times I’ve heard phrases such as the ones above; my daily cell phone usage has spiraled out of control and as of recent, I have been attempting to monitor the amount of time I spend on various social media sites. Smartphones have the potential to be an amazing piece of technology that one can possess; however, there can also be a darker side to the convenience. I want to spend a few moments exploring the exploding world of the smartphone and its startling effect on today’s society.

We can throw away a whole day; pointless hours scrolling Facebook news feeds or Instagram accounts. The question we should ask ourselves is this: is it THAT important? To let an entire day pass while the list of tasks on a to-do list goes unattended? Is it worth it? The level of distraction among smartphone users is flashing right on our faces. Bank My Cell’s updated article, Smartphone Addiction Facts and Phone Usage Statistics states the average smartphone user checks their mobile device up to forty-seven times a day! Eighty percent of users check their phone one hour before going to sleep, while thirty-five percent check their phones only five minutes prior. According to a 2018 study published with Nielsen Company audience report, users spend ten hours a day on their various mobile devices.

The usage can also leak into the development of interpersonal relationships. Eighty-five percent of users are shown to check their phones while engaging in conversation with family and friends. What a conversation killer! Instant messaging has always served as an easier way for me to get to have human interaction, but as someone prone to social anxiety, it can also have a negative impact on the quality of life.

As part of a Korean study done on brain imaging, they sampled two groups of teenage boys; one group who were smartphone reliant and the control group who were not. The study showed evidence of significantly higher levels of GABA in the reliant group. GABA is a neurotransmitter housed in the cortex that inhibits neurons. The slowing down of neurons makes one more vulnerable to distractions. Technology is rewiring our brains!

The most damaging effect that excessive smartphone or mobile device usage can have is the impact on our work lives; for example: I’d estimate to create a great piece of writing, one would need a solid week of brainstorming and rough draft compiling to convey the necessary message. I have found that when I become glued to a device, I can’t get a single word written.

I felt compelled to touch on this subject because I know the problem spans over millions of people around the globe. We are too much into these tiny life suckers, and I don’t think most of us even consider the possibility we are. Put down the phone and go live life. The entire world would be better off if we all took a little time away from the cyber-world from time to time.



Molly Spence
Coffee House Writers

31 year old writer & blogger from Scott Depot, West Virginia. /