The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Ruth Cowan
Coffee House Writers
4 min readSep 11, 2017
Photo Credit: Pixabay

It has been a long, hot summer for many of us. For those of us living in Southern California, it has been miserable. We have had more 100+ degree days than I can ever remember. Although we are still experiencing a warm September, I can’t help but think of what the fall and winter have in store for us.

In the spirit of the upcoming seasons before us and mentally escaping the heat, I thought I would share a few things about the coming months that I absolutely love.

1. The changing colors.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The one thing that really signifies changes in the weather to me is the change in the trees, when the leaves go from green to beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow. Here in Southern California, we don’t have much of that, but is one of my fondest memories growing up!

2. Halloween.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

I have always loved Halloween. There is something to be said about getting all dressed up. It is the one time of the year you can be anyone or anything you want. I especially loved dressing my kids up in cute costumes when they were young. Now that I have grandchildren I can still enjoy all that cuteness.

3. Football season

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Football. Need I say more? I am a fanatic football fan, and love being able to scream and yell as I watch my favorite team on Sunday afternoon while filling my face with junk food! Those who know me know how crazy and competitive I can get when it comes to football.

4. Thanksgiving

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite times of the year. From the time I was little, my family gathered together at my grandparents’ house to celebrate. There was always a ton of food to eat even before the traditional dinner began. The elders in our family would dress up my siblings, my cousins, and I to reenact the manger scene. Somehow, I always ended up being an angel.

5. Christmas

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Christmas by far is my most favorite time of the year. There is such a magical quality about it. For me, it is never about the presents. It is about the feelings that surround it. It is a time of new beginnings, spending time with family, and watching the joy on the faces of others, especially children. It is almost something I can’t really put into words. It makes me feel alive.

6. Cooler temperatures

Photo Credit: Pixabay

There is something to be said about the cooler temperatures that come with these seasons. Although Southern California is milder in its climate, I remember living in Northern California and having everything blanketed with snow. My kids and I would wait until it was late and take a walk through the bare streets. The sound of silence that was only interrupted by their teenage banter, and the glow of the snow lighting our way.

There are so many things I love about fall and winter, the list could be never-ending. The wind-down of the year spent with family and friends leading up to the beginning of a new year. I can’t imagine anything better.



Ruth Cowan
Coffee House Writers

I write inspirational nonfiction and poetry that focuses on using my own life experiences to help others.