The Raving Moon

Sylvia Stein
Coffee House Writers
1 min readSep 30, 2019

The Raving moon shines at night.

The Raving Moon is shining bright as it surrounds the night.

You hear the sounds of the water hitting the small rocks in the lake.

Lovers lie nearby stricken by the captivating view.

It is almost like the moon is sending kisses in the wind.
The stars begin to twilight through the sky.

The Raving Moon is cascading an overflow of rays that fall right into the waters.

It shines a light on the lovers who passionately embrace one another on the midnight breeze.

Then as night begins to fade and the wee hours come into like the stardust hitting the air it is filled with a majestical awe which becomes so celestial and pure.

When the morning comes the raving moon is gone and all sits still until the night comes again.

For now the wind plays a symphony in the sky and all will wait again to see the raving moon.

Full Moon by Guzman Barquin through



Sylvia Stein
Coffee House Writers

Author Sylvia Stein has a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing and English and has published three books. She loves writing it is her passion.